We are using MicroTouch Serial Touch Screen with MicroTouch(tm) MT
7.11 Software for Windows XP Embedded. Everything "works fine", we can
import component and we can use Touch Screen in deployed system after
FBA. However sometimes someone wants to calibrate touch screen and
when we call TwCalib (Calibration tool) in Windows XP Embedded we get
an error like: Cannot open touch screen driver . Anyone had similar
Thank you.
Kind regards,
We are using MicroTouch Serial Touch Screen with MicroTouch(tm) MT
7.11 Software for Windows XP Embedded. Everything "works fine", we can
import component and we can use Touch Screen in deployed system after
FBA. However sometimes someone wants to calibrate touch screen and
when we call TwCalib (Calibration tool) in Windows XP Embedded we get
an error like: Cannot open touch screen driver . Anyone had similar
Thank you.
Kind regards,