I can no longer open outlook pro hybrid 2007 on Vista 64b. This
happened after I right clicked an image in the M: drive (a camera card
reader in an Epson printer) and said Send To: Email Recipient (which I
use all the time- but locally, not from a camera card) - it opened the
window asking what size I want the pics to send as, and I selected
640x480 - and went to another window to do other things, and after
that I don't recall what happened - maybe Outlook just closed, and
then when I tried to reopen I get mesg "Outlook had a problem with
file pdfmoutlook, if you've seen this msg several times do you wan to
disable?" - at first I said NO a couple times, then could not open
Outlook, so then I said yes to the above question, now I just get
"Outlook has stopped working..Winduhs will close and notify you of a
solution" and a Close Program button only...then if I try to open
again I get "Outlook did not start properly last time, want to try
safe mode?" If I click YES I get the "stopped working " msg again..
I then get the msg Outlook failed to start in safe more, want to
so I ran Outlook Detect and Repair and it it did not fix.
I also got a msg referring to an Error # that I did not write down...
But I only got that once and I don't know how or why....and cant get
it to occur again...
I also did the outlook.exe /safe Run and it cant open that way.
I already tried this: http://www.msoutlook.info/question/268
I tried a Windows restore to 2 days ago.
I found some reference to a linktop Google Calendar Sync and have
uninstalled it.
I found a tip telling me to edit the registry
and rename 9.3 - so I did - not fixed...
Any ideas?
-- THANKS!!!
happened after I right clicked an image in the M: drive (a camera card
reader in an Epson printer) and said Send To: Email Recipient (which I
use all the time- but locally, not from a camera card) - it opened the
window asking what size I want the pics to send as, and I selected
640x480 - and went to another window to do other things, and after
that I don't recall what happened - maybe Outlook just closed, and
then when I tried to reopen I get mesg "Outlook had a problem with
file pdfmoutlook, if you've seen this msg several times do you wan to
disable?" - at first I said NO a couple times, then could not open
Outlook, so then I said yes to the above question, now I just get
"Outlook has stopped working..Winduhs will close and notify you of a
solution" and a Close Program button only...then if I try to open
again I get "Outlook did not start properly last time, want to try
safe mode?" If I click YES I get the "stopped working " msg again..
I then get the msg Outlook failed to start in safe more, want to
so I ran Outlook Detect and Repair and it it did not fix.
I also got a msg referring to an Error # that I did not write down...
But I only got that once and I don't know how or why....and cant get
it to occur again...
I also did the outlook.exe /safe Run and it cant open that way.
I already tried this: http://www.msoutlook.info/question/268
I tried a Windows restore to 2 days ago.
I found some reference to a linktop Google Calendar Sync and have
uninstalled it.
I found a tip telling me to edit the registry
and rename 9.3 - so I did - not fixed...
Any ideas?
-- THANKS!!!