Using outlook on a XP machine and if I am sent a .EXE file it will
not allow me to open it. Has any experienced this problem and is
there a known fix.
P. Kirby
Tell your sender to rename the file to filename.exx, or filename.ex_, or
filename.exe.txt, and then you can receive it without triggering the
security trap in Outlook and just rename it back to filename.exe. The
security trap is based on the 3-character extension of the filename, so
just use a different extension that isn't recognized by the security
trap. Alternative, as already suggested, you can do a registry hack or
use a utility, like AttachmentOptions, to add extensions to the
Level1Remove key so they won't get blocked (but if you are logging onto
a domain then this can be overridden so renaming the extension is still
the only way to bypass this security trap).
Be sure you are running an up-to-date anti-virus program when running
executable attachments even if they are sent from your closest friends.
Most folks don't know they are infected until something nasty happens to
them which could be long after they've spread it to others.