Cannot open a workbook in excel2007 - file works in excel2003 and

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file also opens with excel2003 viewer. As I cannot open the file I cannot use
compatability checker. File is not shared. File is about 5MBytes with about
14 worksheets. Contains conditional formatting but no links to other files.

What happens is excel stops responding ( I have waited over 30 minutes),
then if I close it down it says file is repaired and all I have is
unformatted text.

any ideas??
Are there any macros in the file? Do you have VB installed? Some Office
2007 do not and require you to install it in Add/Remove Programs, Office,
Add or remove features. If you have macros, Excel 2007 is more sensitive to
the code. Cleaning it using Rob Bovey's code cleaner has solved some
problems. It is available free at

Are you using any range names with two letters and a number? Such may now
be a cell address. Changing them before opening the file in 2007 may be a
solution. Changing may also be painful...

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel