Windows 10 Cannot network connect to other pc and their drives in windows 10 home after upgrading windows 8.1 a

Dec 8, 2008
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I cannot connect to my network drives in Windows 10. All my drives are Win 10. I am doing all the things like using "everyone" in sharing and security. Before upgrading the Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 to win 10 there were NO networking problems.

I need a connected network for backing up. Have avast antivirus and windows firewall. Disableing the firewall did not work!

Error message is “The specified network password is not correct.” but my internet is running properly and I have used the correct password, the only password I have used to get into my drives except the pin which also does not work. The only other password is my ATT gateway password but my internet is running fine.

I have only home editions of Win 10, No RAID or other storage device only hdd. Do not know what NAS is. No Domain Network. I am just a simple knowledge computer owner, no technical training except Basic Programming many years ago. I tried to network my desktop to this computer mentioned above and get similar problems except they say username or password is wrong.

What I usually do is make sure "everyone" is read and write for all folders that I need to make changes to in sharing. I also do the same for security . No username I used worked! Then in the mapping I use a capital letter like U being the replacement for the c:drive and the following notation //c-1/c where c-1 is the computer name. I have been setting up this kind of network mapping since the Windows XP Days--many years ago. But I started with Windows 95 and even before that with DOS. Most of my problem came with win 8.1 and now win 10.

All of my windows 10 installs are giving me the same problem!! I have tried to “free up” every folder that needs backup or additions or changes with “everyone” access to sharing and security properties.

Sorry can you just clarify a few things for me and then ill do my best to help you.

The machine that has the drives connected to it what is that running?
The machine your using to connect to it?
Are they both running windows 10 now?

That error is generally when user account's are wrong.

What you should do in this situation is not use everyone, Create an account on the machine that has the drives connected to it (Ill call it the server from now on, as that is what it is).
Put a password on this account, it really does not matter what the password is, something you will remember.
Go through and share your files with this new account, so insted of selecting everyone pick this new account as full control permissions.
Go to the computer you are connecting to it with and type \\c1\c in the map network drive bit (as your example).

Tick the box that says reconnect at login Click finish. You should get a security box pop up if so skip to the username bit below.
If not and it says the same invalid password add the drive again however tick both boxes this time. So add the one that says use different credentials.

You will get a security box pop up.
In the username field enter the your "servername"\accountyoumade so for example c1\jim
enter the password you created for this account
tick remember
hit finish

That should be it and it should connect.
I have three computers 2 laptops and 1 desktop. Only the desktop has multiple drives and no connection problem within the desktop. None of these computers are servers all running windows 10 which were updated from win 8.1(lap) and win 7( desk and lap). Before updating all were good networking, no problems. Now I have to setup new networks between them that work. The username accounts are what I set as usernames when I first installed the computer. The username that I am principally concerned with is jhmac77-2016 which also identifies with the emails being generated on the desktop. I already have a password for that username. So you are saying use jhmac77-2016 instead of everyone when networking between my laptops and the desktop. I will try that and keep the same password. Is this what you mean? The rest should be simple because I have been successful for many years actually using everyone.
Yes thats what i mean, share your files with the username jhmac77-2016 then go to the other computers and when it asks for your credentials put in computername\jimmac77-2016 and your password for that user.

Hope this helps.

I had the same problem when upgrading from W7 to W10.

Actually it is quite simple.

You have to add new credentials in Control Panel -> Credential Manager.

In there click the Windows Credentials option.

Type in the network address of the computer you want to connect to, the username and password to be used and click OK.

If the device with the resource is using DHCP, either change it to static IP or add its MAC address to your router DHCP reservation list, so it will always keep the same IP when it reboots. Check its current IP with the command prompt command: ipconfig /all

Note the MAC Address and add it to your router DHCP list.

This should allow you to access the resources on your machine. Of course, you have to make sure all the other permissions are in place.

I hope this helps.