Cannot 'move' emails.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Barbara
  • Start date Start date


I ticked the emails I wanted to put in a file, but when I clicked on the
'return' button to do so, the emails remained in my inbox. What is going on?
Barbara said:
I ticked the emails I wanted to put in a file, but when I clicked on the
'return' button to do so, the emails remained in my inbox. What is going on?

Oh, we are to guess as to WHICH e-mail client you happen to be using,
and guess on WHICH version of Windows that may be, and guess as to what
exact steps you exercise versus a vague description?

--- Posting Hints ---

ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
than yourself to understand your post. Also remember that no one here
is looking over your shoulder to see at what you are pointing. If you
don't well explain your situation by providing the DETAILS that you
already know, don't expect others to know what is your situation.
Explain YOUR computing environment and just what actions you take to
reproduce the problem.

Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go
on (no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually
move on to the next post and never return to yours.

What is Usenet:

When using a webnews-for-dummies interface (e.g., Microsoft's
Communities, Google Groups, or a leech site using a forum-to-Usenet
proxy), those are gateways to Usenet. Despite the pretense of a forum,
you are participating in a newsgroup (aka Usenet).

How to post to newsgroups:

Regarding error or status messages:
- Do NOT omit the message.
- Do NOT describe the message.
- Do NOT summarize the message.
- Do NOT paraphrase the message.
- Do NOT truncate the message.
- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).
And DETAIL the steps to reproduce the error or problem.
Sorry! No need to shout at me. I did use XP NEW USERS. Sorry Sorry Sorry.

Right: XP Home Edition. I am using Hotmail for my emails. I use Internet

My computer crashed and while it was away for repair, I received hundreds of
emails. I wanted to file them e.g. I am learning Spanish, so have a file
called 'Spanish Dictionary' but each time I ticked on the emails to be filed,
(or checked the files in US speak) and clicked 'Move', located the file where
I wanted to move them, left clicked my mouse and the screen seemed to move
them, but when I looked they were still there.

Is there anything else I need to tell you?

Thank you also for putting me right!
Barbara said:
Right: XP Home Edition. I am using Hotmail for my emails. I use Internet

Then you are using the webmail interface to your account. No local
e-mail client is involved.
My computer crashed and while it was away for repair, I received hundreds of
emails. I wanted to file them e.g. I am learning Spanish, so have a file
called 'Spanish Dictionary' but each time I ticked on the emails to be filed,
(or checked the files in US speak) and clicked 'Move', located the file where
I wanted to move them, left clicked my mouse and the screen seemed to move
them, but when I looked they were still there.

There are 2 methods for moving e-mails to different folders when using
Microsoft's webmail client:

- You select the e-mails (not files) that you want to move, click on the
"Move" toolbar button to display a list of available folders, and then
select one of those folders into which the e-mails will get moved.

- Drag the selected e-mails to another folder shown in the tree list of
folders. This would the same *right* click you use in Windows when
dragging around objects (I don't know why you did a left click to drag).
[Right-click means to use the primary mouse button and left-click means
to use the secondary mouse button, so even if you reverse the buttons
for left-handed mouse operation you still use "right" for primary and
"left" for secondary).
Thanks very much. This has worked!

VanguardLH said:
Barbara said:
Right: XP Home Edition. I am using Hotmail for my emails. I use Internet

Then you are using the webmail interface to your account. No local
e-mail client is involved.
My computer crashed and while it was away for repair, I received hundreds of
emails. I wanted to file them e.g. I am learning Spanish, so have a file
called 'Spanish Dictionary' but each time I ticked on the emails to be filed,
(or checked the files in US speak) and clicked 'Move', located the file where
I wanted to move them, left clicked my mouse and the screen seemed to move
them, but when I looked they were still there.

There are 2 methods for moving e-mails to different folders when using
Microsoft's webmail client:

- You select the e-mails (not files) that you want to move, click on the
"Move" toolbar button to display a list of available folders, and then
select one of those folders into which the e-mails will get moved.

- Drag the selected e-mails to another folder shown in the tree list of
folders. This would the same *right* click you use in Windows when
dragging around objects (I don't know why you did a left click to drag).
[Right-click means to use the primary mouse button and left-click means
to use the secondary mouse button, so even if you reverse the buttons
for left-handed mouse operation you still use "right" for primary and
"left" for secondary).
Barbara said:
VanguardLH said:
Barbara said:
XP Home Edition. Hotmail. I use Internet Explorer.

Then you are using the webmail interface to your account. No local
e-mail client is involved.
My computer crashed and while it was away for repair, I received hundreds of
emails. I wanted to file them e.g. I am learning Spanish, so have a file
called 'Spanish Dictionary' but each time I ticked on the emails to be filed,
(or checked the files in US speak) and clicked 'Move', located the file where
I wanted to move them, left clicked my mouse and the screen seemed to move
them, but when I looked they were still there.

There are 2 methods for moving e-mails to different folders when using
Microsoft's webmail client:

- You select the e-mails (not files) that you want to move, click on the
"Move" toolbar button to display a list of available folders, and then
select one of those folders into which the e-mails will get moved.

- Drag the selected e-mails to another folder shown in the tree list of
folders. This would the same *right* click you use in Windows when
dragging around objects (I don't know why you did a left click to drag).
[Right-click means to use the primary mouse button and left-click means
to use the secondary mouse button, so even if you reverse the buttons
for left-handed mouse operation you still use "right" for primary and
"left" for secondary).

Thanks very much. This has worked!

Good to know since it looks like I got the right-left terminology
backwards. I've been using the mouse on the left-side for decades due
to the lop-sided design of keyboard on the right-side although I am

You didn't give the exact steps you were performing so I figured you
weren't doing it correctly.