cannot logon

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When I try to logon, Windows XP loads my settings and then automatically logs
me off. It does this with all the profiles on my computer.
AlC said:
When I try to logon, Windows XP loads my settings and then automatically
me off. It does this with all the profiles on my computer.

This is a well-known phenomenon. The cure depends
on the recent history of the machine and whether it is
networked or not.
The machine is part of my home network.
Al C

Pegasus (MVP) said:
This is a well-known phenomenon. The cure depends
on the recent history of the machine and whether it is
networked or not.
We all know that things do not happen by themselves. If
you were able to log on yesterday but can no longer log
on today then something has changed in your machine. It
is this change I need to know about. In most cases with this
problem it is some disk manipulation, perhaps involving
an disk imaging program such as Ghost or Acronis. It
could also be caused by a malware infection. Knowing
about these things avoids playing guessing games, for
which I have neither the time nor patience.
I installed and ran dr. spyware last night and removed approximately 1200
spyware files. Computer was working prior to that.
I see. I do not know this product but I wonder if its
side effect might not be worse than the benefit it offers.
If this was my machine then I would uninstall it as soon
as the logon problem was resolved.

Your first job is to find out the current system drive
letter of the problem machine. It should be C:. Here
is how you can do it from a networked machine:
- Log on as administrator.
- Click Start / Run / cmd {OK}
- Type this command: psexec \\YourProblemPC cmd

What drive letter do you see?

You can download psexec.exe from
Thanks. I will try that later.
Al C

Pegasus (MVP) said:
I see. I do not know this product but I wonder if its
side effect might not be worse than the benefit it offers.
If this was my machine then I would uninstall it as soon
as the logon problem was resolved.

Your first job is to find out the current system drive
letter of the problem machine. It should be C:. Here
is how you can do it from a networked machine:
- Log on as administrator.
- Click Start / Run / cmd {OK}
- Type this command: psexec \\YourProblemPC cmd

What drive letter do you see?

You can download psexec.exe from
When I try to logon, Windows XP loads my settings and then automatically logs
me off. It does this with all the profiles on my computer.

Have you had the machine long? (Must have to have so much spyware I
suppose.) I was wondering if you have failed to validate your Windows
but went to Update, & MS turned off your OS. But that seems unlikely.