cannot log off



I tried to install nero last night and afterward I couldn't log off as a user
or administrator. The screen would lock up after i clicked to log off. I can
turn off the computer no problem and switch users no problem. I have to do a
control alt del to actually log off.

- Bobb -

pollock said:
I tried to install nero last night and afterward I couldn't log off as
a user
or administrator. The screen would lock up after i clicked to log off.
I can
turn off the computer no problem and switch users no problem. I have
to do a
control alt del to actually log off.

I have questions before we can provide answers.
What version of Nero? Nero did NOT install ? Did it abort ? Did it hang
the PC prior to your shutdown? or was it OK until you tried to logoff ?
Then you got " some process will not respond " type message? what does
the errorlog show? Does Nero show in add/remove programs ? If so did you
try to "fix it there"? Did you try to reinstall ? Did you try to
uninstall ? etc

And to confirm, now when you reboot, even if you don't try to use Nero,
it hangs - when exactly ( immediately - after 30 seconds ? - after all
other windows close ? ) and what is the message ?


- Bobb - said:
I have questions before we can provide answers.
What version of Nero? Nero did NOT install ? Did it abort ? Did it hang
the PC prior to your shutdown? or was it OK until you tried to logoff ?
Then you got " some process will not respond " type message? what does
the errorlog show? Does Nero show in add/remove programs ? If so did you
try to "fix it there"? Did you try to reinstall ? Did you try to
uninstall ? etc

And to confirm, now when you reboot, even if you don't try to use Nero,
it hangs - when exactly ( immediately - after 30 seconds ? - after all
other windows close ? ) and what is the message ?

Nero 7 did install and appeared to work but I didn't really try it before I discovered the problem then uninstalled it. all other programs appeared to work fine. The only time the computer hangs is when I go to logoff. I noticed when I went to switch from admin to my user acct. to make sure nero worked there too.

There are no messages when it hangs. I can move the mouse curser around but
nothing responds to it . the error log shows event id 7023. Nero was in the
add/remove programs until I removed it. I haven't tried to reinstall. when I
reboot (cont/alt/del) it takes me back to the users screen where I can logon
as normal


i just tried to log off again. I wasn't patient enough before. It does log
off it just takes about five minutes to accoplish it.


pollock said:
i just tried to log off again. I wasn't patient enough before. It does log
off it just takes about five minutes to accoplish it.

See this link:

Another option is clean boot troubleshooting:
How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

How to perform advanced clean-boot troubleshooting in Windows XP

How to perform a clean boot in Windows XP

You could also try a system restore to a date before you did the Nero

Also you need to quote at least part of the message to which you refer,
otherwise it's out of context. This is a newsgroup, not a forum.

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