I have to fix a screwy access database made a long time ago. It has a linked
table going to a DBF file. The connect string for the table is:
ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro
Tables;SourceDB=\\DPH53501\VOL1\Unitdata\Central_Ops\FCM Cornerstone
The user receives an email attachment and saves the attachment at the
designated path. The attachment is an Excel spreadsheet with file extension
xls, but is renamed and saved as dbf. I don't know what process is used by
the sender and whether it's really made as an Excel spreadsheet or Foxpro
Things worked a long time, but the file format has changed to have different
columns. Personnel changed, too. Whoever linked the table isn't here anymore.
When I try to make a new link I'm unable. If I use dbase (dbf file type)
III, IV, or V it says I have to have an index table, too. There is no index
table associated with the previous linked table, so that probably isn't
right. If I try to use ODBC as indicated in the previous connect string,
there are Foxpro files, Foxpro tables, and Foxpro database, as options in the
dropdown and none of them work.
If I try to use Excel or "Foxpro files", I get a message saying "you cannot
use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM
table to your database". Possibly I should be able to use one of these and
this is an install or configuration issue.
How can I tell what the attachment is? Excel will open it. The dbf file type
is associated with Excel on this machine.
Help would be appreciated.
table going to a DBF file. The connect string for the table is:
ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro
Tables;SourceDB=\\DPH53501\VOL1\Unitdata\Central_Ops\FCM Cornerstone
The user receives an email attachment and saves the attachment at the
designated path. The attachment is an Excel spreadsheet with file extension
xls, but is renamed and saved as dbf. I don't know what process is used by
the sender and whether it's really made as an Excel spreadsheet or Foxpro
Things worked a long time, but the file format has changed to have different
columns. Personnel changed, too. Whoever linked the table isn't here anymore.
When I try to make a new link I'm unable. If I use dbase (dbf file type)
III, IV, or V it says I have to have an index table, too. There is no index
table associated with the previous linked table, so that probably isn't
right. If I try to use ODBC as indicated in the previous connect string,
there are Foxpro files, Foxpro tables, and Foxpro database, as options in the
dropdown and none of them work.
If I try to use Excel or "Foxpro files", I get a message saying "you cannot
use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM
table to your database". Possibly I should be able to use one of these and
this is an install or configuration issue.
How can I tell what the attachment is? Excel will open it. The dbf file type
is associated with Excel on this machine.
Help would be appreciated.