Cannot launch IE 8, cannot set home page

  • Thread starter Thread starter MXC
  • Start date Start date


After uninstall CA and install McAfee
My laptop cannot launch internet explorer 8, just not response.
Also I try change home page from control panel-> internet option, but fail,
it automatic reset homr page to microsoft sites.

I can only launch the IE8 in safe mode.
I appreciate any help and suggestion


After uninstall CA and install McAfee
My laptop could not connect to Net. Windows live message could not launch

I called McAfee support and un-install McAfee,
the Windows live message show up and the laptop can connect to net

but could not launch IE 8 by click its icon.
I can only launch the IE8 with 'run as administrator' or in safe mode.

I appreciate any help and suggestion


your cryptographic services was messed up by the removal of the ca in your
system, right now that's the only thing visible. Other possibility is that
it could have also cause your system not to proceed with Windows Update due
to other Microsoft services truncated after the removal. ( seen and handled
similar cases with Symantec on removal of their security apps ). You would
need professional and guided assistance

If you're in the US/CANADA <This is a free support>
contact Microsoft Product Support ( Security ) 866 727 2338 they will assist
you on that concern.