I've been asked to take over maintenance of a database. The client
has also requested that I split the database into Front End/Back End.
I've just taken delivery of the code and I've run it and it all seems
to work well. The code contains a function to create, copy and delete
queries on the fly. For these all to be available to all users I have
taken a look at the current code to do the copying.
And I've run up against a weird problem. There is a line in the code:
DoCmd.CopyObject , TempString, acQuery, QryID
The definition for QryID is not in the function, nor in the form's
module, so I right-clicked on it and selected "Definition". This
produces a message that states:
"Cannot jump to 'QryID' because it is in the library 'C:\Projects
\ThisProject\ThisDatabase.mdb' which is not currently referenced."
Needless to say, I am working in 'C:\Projects\ThisProject
\ThisDatabase.mdb. I've looked in Tools, References and there are no
missing references. I've tried adding a reference and recompiling and
no luck. I did notice that the name of the database in the properties
pane when selecting the top node in the Project Explorer in the Code
window was Access9.mdb, but I've changed it to ThisDatabase.mdb and
still the same error.
has also requested that I split the database into Front End/Back End.
I've just taken delivery of the code and I've run it and it all seems
to work well. The code contains a function to create, copy and delete
queries on the fly. For these all to be available to all users I have
taken a look at the current code to do the copying.
And I've run up against a weird problem. There is a line in the code:
DoCmd.CopyObject , TempString, acQuery, QryID
The definition for QryID is not in the function, nor in the form's
module, so I right-clicked on it and selected "Definition". This
produces a message that states:
"Cannot jump to 'QryID' because it is in the library 'C:\Projects
\ThisProject\ThisDatabase.mdb' which is not currently referenced."
Needless to say, I am working in 'C:\Projects\ThisProject
\ThisDatabase.mdb. I've looked in Tools, References and there are no
missing references. I've tried adding a reference and recompiling and
no luck. I did notice that the name of the database in the properties
pane when selecting the top node in the Project Explorer in the Code
window was Access9.mdb, but I've changed it to ThisDatabase.mdb and
still the same error.