Thank you for your feedback. Glad you got it fixed and I can probably learn
a bit here.
I found the following writeup from the link
http://www.pfcmedia.com/Tutorial.htm which was included in the link I posted
"The MCI Player
Before explaining multimedia and PowerPoint it is important to understand
PowerPoint uses the Windows MCI player for playback of multimedia in
PowerPoint and NOT the Windows Media Player. (There are rare exceptions in
PowerPoint XP and 2003 but the user need not normally be concerned with
them.) What is the MCI player and why does PowerPoint use it? The answer can
be summed up in one word, compatibility. The MCI Player is a player
application built upon the Windows API calls for media. It is commonly
referred to as the Media Control Interface or Media Controller Interface.
(In other words, it's part of Windows.) ......"
"........ This will start the MCI player (NOT the Windows Media Player) used
by PowerPoint. You may then open your media file in the normal manner and
play it. If the media fails to play in the MCI player it will NOT play
properly in PowerPoint."
I hardly know anything about CODEC, MCI Player, multimedia etc. I would
appreciate some comments from the experts.