Cannot get IDE drive to boot

  • Thread starter Thread starter C. Robbins
  • Start date Start date

C. Robbins

Running an Asus P4P800 MB on a second system. I had a Maxtor 40 gb HD, which
was my boot disc on another system.

Got a WD 37 gb SATA drive-I want to use the SATA for gaming programs and
boot from the IDE drive. When I installed the new SATA drive and the IDE I
reinstalled XP to the IDE drive-or tried to. Whenever I get to the reboot
portion of the install, I get an error message that I need to insert a boot

I have tried reformatting the IDE and installing. No go.

I installed XP onto the SATA, went fine, and now the SATA is the boot disc.
System runs great with it.

Still can't get XP onto the IDE drive-again, have reformatted, tried running
from boot floppies first, removed SATA and tried-nothing. If I run off the
SATA, the other IDE drive is recognized as a valid drive. I reformatted it
from inside XP, still won't go. Ran Maxtor MaxBlast 3, reformatted
again-still can't get XP to recognize the IDE as a boot drive. I have set it
as boot drive from within BIOS.

I want to avoid reformatting the SATA, as I pulled some data off the IDE
drive when the system was running off the SATA as boot drive, before
reformatting the IDE.

I try to boot, after removing SATA completely, all cables off, it states:

Reboot and select proper boot device
Or insert boot media in device and press any key

I start with XP CD, loads files, goes to format screen, lists a partition. I
select that partition to load windows, states that windows files are
preseent-I overwrite them.

Same thing-Reboot and select proper boot device
Or insert boot media in device and press any key

Use recovery console, chkdsk says drive is OK. Use bootcfg, lists one win
installation. I set this as default boot, same thing: Reboot and select
proper boot device
Or insert boot media in device and press any key

If I leave the XP CD in the drive after it loads files and reboots, it goes
into the file loading screens again in a loop, never goes to the actual
windows setup screens.

WHAT is going on here? HELLLLLLP!
C. Robbins said:
I installed XP onto the SATA, went fine, and now the SATA is the boot disc.
System runs great with it.

Still can't get XP onto the IDE drive-again, have reformatted, tried running
from boot floppies first, removed SATA and tried-nothing.

Have you reset the boot drive order in your BIOS, so IDE is first?
C. Robbins said:
Got a WD 37 gb SATA drive-I want to use the SATA for gaming programs and
boot from the IDE drive. When I installed the new SATA drive and the IDE I
reinstalled XP to the IDE drive-or tried to. Whenever I get to the reboot
portion of the install, I get an error message that I need to insert a boot

First thing to check is whether the BIOS is set to boot from the
non-SATA IDE disk.

If that's not it, there may be a wrong boot sector on the disk
or the partition you want to boot from may not be active.

Get more details from That
article is about moving an installation, but it contains most of
the required procedures.

Yes, it is set to boot from the IDE in BIOS. I reviewed info on the
referenced page-boot sector is OK, and I reset it anyhow. Still no boot.

Just as an experiment, I took an extra 20 gb HD I had around, set for cable
select and replaced the IDE I had been trying to set up-it was able to load
XP without any problem.

Can't understand what the problem could be-I have checked the HD and it's
fine, with Maxtor diagnostic tools.