Cannot get chicken dance to work anymore

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My granddaughter loved this site
It's a bunch of chickens dancing to music. It worked but has stopped. I went
to the site author, and he says the site works perfectly. I have Norton
Antivirus and Zone Alarm running. The site music works.
Any idea what could shut down animations?
Hi Bob :-)

Yu don't mention the version of Windows you are using, but, you might try
the information below and see if it helps:

Why don't my animated gifs animate?
Take note of the mention of firewalls like @Guard as others like Zone
Alarm Pro and NIS may also have a disable option.


Make sure your .gifs are associated to Internet Explorer. Click on a .gif in
windows explorer, IE should open to display it:

Try Doug Knox's script utility:

IE>Internet Options>Advanced tab>Multimedia section>"Play animations in web
pages">Apply>OK out.


Go to Start>Run and type in the window:
regsvr32.exe /i shdocvw.dll (all versions of IE) ... and then
regsvr32.exe /i shdoc401.dll (IE5 upwards)

If you have any 3rd party toolbars such as Google or Yahoo toolbars, disable
them. Disable any ad or popup blockers. Set your Internet zone security to

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
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