Blue Max
When setting up a Windows XP machine to receive Remote assistance offers
over the local network (using a computer name or IP address), Microsoft help
instructs the user to modify the firewall on the remote machine in order to
allow execution of the programs msra.exe and raserver.exe. However, we have
searched our Windows XP machine and cannot find these files anywhere. We
have our folder options set to show hidden and system files and have also
enabled the search options for hidden and system files, but still cannot
find the required files. Obviously, we cannot create a firewall exception
if we cannot locate the programs.
Ironically, we can use remote assistance over the internet by sending a help
request using these same computers. This suggests that the XP computer is
actually running these programs as needed. So if the programs run properly
with an internet request, why can't we find the programs so that we can
create a firewall exception for running Remote Assistance over our own local
workgroup network?
Can anyone help with this issue?
over the local network (using a computer name or IP address), Microsoft help
instructs the user to modify the firewall on the remote machine in order to
allow execution of the programs msra.exe and raserver.exe. However, we have
searched our Windows XP machine and cannot find these files anywhere. We
have our folder options set to show hidden and system files and have also
enabled the search options for hidden and system files, but still cannot
find the required files. Obviously, we cannot create a firewall exception
if we cannot locate the programs.
Ironically, we can use remote assistance over the internet by sending a help
request using these same computers. This suggests that the XP computer is
actually running these programs as needed. So if the programs run properly
with an internet request, why can't we find the programs so that we can
create a firewall exception for running Remote Assistance over our own local
workgroup network?
Can anyone help with this issue?