cannot find my profile on start up - help



Just wondering if anyone can help:
For some reason, on start up, I get a message that my
local profile cannot be found. XP then lets me in as a
temporary user (rather than as the administrator as I use)
but then does it all again next time I start up. Being
temporary I cannot make permanent changes to the profile.

Can somone tell me how to retrieve my old profile or at
least let me start all over again?


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Generally, once a profile is corrupted, there is little you can do to save
it. You will have to create a new user profile for yourself using the system
default administrator, then copy your old profile to it. To access the
default administrator account:

In WinXP Pro, hit ctrl+alt+delete twice at the logon screen and type it in.

In WinXP Home, you must restart and enter Safe mode by hitting F8 at
startup. The administrator logon will be one of the options.

How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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