Cannot Find Domain Error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brad Streeter
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Brad Streeter

I am trying to add another user to our domain (AERO) which
has always been an easy task into our Windows SBS 2000
domain. I have the new machine loaded with Win 2K Pro and
green light tested (local & hub), pingable with full
replies to the DNS server, and External IP address as well
as full Internet Connectivity. The problem is whenever I
try to add the new machine to the domain it gives me a
Network error stating that the following error has occured
attempting to join the domain 'AERO'; The network name
cannot be found. I know that it is the correct domain, and
I know that I have connectivity, I have tried several net
cards, two seperate cables all with the same results. I
have even tried the "magic" disc that SBS 2000 seft
generates to add users, all without any success. Any ideas
what is causing the errors?
Are you pointing this client machine to your Internal DNS server? That is
crucial for this to work and must left this way.
I have the new workstation TCP/IP set up to point to the
internal DNS, as well as have tried adding it using the SBS
Admin interface first, then adding it manually through the
network indentification screen by right clicking on my
computer. I do also have admin rights to add machines. I
originally tried adding it with the workstation tcp/ip set
to auto detect IP, and DNS but changed that after the first

We have never had any problems with our domain being set at only in the past. I will look into the other
recommendations, any other suggestions?
I added the computer into the domain with the AD Users and
Computers and now it tells me the following error occured
attempting to join the domain "AERO" - the network name
cannot be found. If I use AERO.COM it says the remote
computer cannot be found.

Our setup is as follows:

SBS Machine - Internal IP
DNS -, Subnet

External Workstation that I am trying to add TCP settings
are set to IP address -, Subnet
Default Gateway - Preffered DNS

Any other ideas? Thank you very much for your time and help.
Windows 2000 Ip Config

Host Name.................Aeroserver
Primary DNS Suffix........AERO.COM
Node Type.................Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled........Yes
WINS Proxy Enabled........No
DNS Suffix Search List....AERO.COM

Lan Adapter:

DHCP Enabled ............NO
IP Address...............
Subnet Mask..............
Default Gateway..........
DNS Servers..............

WAN Adapter:
DHCP Enabled............No
Subnet Mask.............
DNS Server..............
Primary WINS Server.....
Netbois over Tcpip.......Disabled

PPP Adapter RAS Server (Dial In) Interface.

DHCP Enabled.............No
Subnet Mask..............
Default Gateway..........
DNS Servers..............127.x.x.x

When I try to add a name that is allready on the domain, it
recognizes that name is taken but will not add the new pc
into the domain. Even if I go add it first in SBS Admin
Interface first, it doesn't recognize the new PC name that
I add as existing already though.

You didn't read the booklet when you installed the SBS did you? You should
have named your ADdomain something like company.local in stead of You can't repair that one now though without a complete

Your nics are not setup right. I would suggest you get a router so you can
get rid of the public IP's on your external nic. Anyway, make sure that only
TCP/IP is bound to the external nic. It should not have a WINS address.
On the internal nic, TCP/IP, Advanced, tab DNS, is register in DNS checked
and 'add primary suffix' too?
Got options 003, 006 and 015 in DHCP-server, Scope options?
I didn't set it up. It was like that when I started
working, funny according to them it has worked great that
way for approx three years; as well as having added two
other workstations in the past month with no problems like
this one is having. I was told that they set up the
addresses according to microsoft telephone tech support as
we obviously are not the most knowledgeable tech people, I
know just enough about networking to do some basic stuff, I
am a hardware tech/troubleshooter and I hate doing software
crap. I will try changing what you have recommended, and
ask about getting a router. I don't really know much about
the options in the DHCP-Server you mentioned but will do
some research so hopefully I can better answer those
questions. Thank you for your help.