What version of Access is this? (Access 2000 works differently than 2002 or
2003 with lookup filters.)
This field comes from the query, which gets it from a table.
Open the table in design view.
What is the Data Type of this field?
If is is a Date/Time field, you will need to supply the date range in the
form's filter rather than merely a text version of the month.
If the value is displayed in a combo box (not a text box), you need to
supply the value that matches the bound column of the combo.
If it is a Text field, ask Access what is in the field.
Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate window.
Enter something like this while the form is showing the value you want to
filter on:
? Forms![Form1]![MyDate]
where Form1 represents the name of your form, and MyDate the name of your
Then ask Access to show you how the form is filtered (while it returns no
? Forms![Form1].Filter
Can you see a reason why these 2 things don't match?
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Dick D said:
I have a query populating a continuous form. I have one control
a text month year like 'Dec 05'). Filter by Selection works on every
control - text or numbers, but when a value is selected in this field, no
records are returned.
Any ideas?