Cannot Explore CD/DVD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron
  • Start date Start date


I have done something stupid, and I am not sure when, but the effect is:

I cannot open or explore any disk in y CD/DVD unit. If the disc has an
autoplay feature, then double clicking the drive will cause the software to

If I right click on th drive and select "Explore", it opens "Desktop"
showing options of My Documents, My Computer, My Network etc. Expanding My
Computer shows the drives including the CD/DVD drive. Clicking on the drive
letter causes the highlighted item just to jump back to Desktop.

Also if I select the CD/DVD drive and then select copy, I can copy files to
hard drive.

Everything about the drive and drivers is OK - except I cannot explore.

BTW I am in administrator mode and no other profiles exist.

Thanks for your help

In Ron had this to say:
BTW I am in administrator mode and no other profiles exist.

I'll just touch on this part - someone will address your question if they
know the answer - I do not.

Why is the above statement from you here? Hmm... Not having an alternative
account is a bad idea - it gives you a place to make alterations. One of my
most commonly answered questions is about corrupted profiles and, well,
seeing as you haven't another profile - should that profile be unable to
load you're out of luck. The disk space for the alternative profile is
nominal. Additionally - and I know it's a pain and no I don't listen to my
own advice on this subject either - running with admin rights is just plain
crazy talk. No, no I don't listen to that advice either but, well, don't say
I didn't warn you.

Anyhow, how long has this issue been going on? It is just odd enough to
warrant being something to do with the latest updates. I don't suppose you
have any HP stuff running?

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes
Galen said:
In Ron had this to say:

I'll just touch on this part - someone will address your question if they
know the answer - I do not.

Why is the above statement from you here?
Because he doesn't know if all users get access to the drives? Fairly
obvious that one.

And if there are no other users, he might as well leave the thing alone
for what it's worth to stop an hacker cracking his case.


"If I listened to the opinions of generals or military officers in the
field, we'd never have had the success we've had in running this war.
So, I'm not about to start listening now."
Donald H. Rumsfeld.

(According to the Wikipedia he served in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to
1957 as an aviator and flight instructor. Rumsfeld is an Eagle Scout
and recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award from the Boy
Scouts of America. After that his career appears to have nose dived
The reason there is only one account, is that I am the only user and the
computer is in a 'secure' location, so the ease of boot up straight to
desktop has been a good benefit. However, I take on board your view of the
value of having an alternative profile.

When did it start happening - probably in the last week or so, and yes
updates have been applied in that time. Normally I don't have any issues
with updates...... and no, there is no HP stuff running.

In Ron had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
The reason there is only one account, is that I am the only user and
the computer is in a 'secure' location, so the ease of boot up
straight to desktop has been a good benefit. However, I take on
board your view of the value of having an alternative profile.

When did it start happening - probably in the last week or so, and yes
updates have been applied in that time. Normally I don't have any
issues with updates...... and no, there is no HP stuff running.


I'm wondering if there's some chance that it's upperfilters and lowerfilters
but it just doesn't seem likely or, at least, the results don't seem typical
of that as the error. Anyhow, what you can try to do is to create an
alternative account and log in to that and see if maybe the problem exists
in that account as well. If it doesn't then, well, we'll see where we go
from there. Have you also tried safe mode to see if you can explore them in

Here's some stuff to whack at (again - I'm not certain of the fix for this
one) if you want... (All of them should be painless and not break anything.)

Safe Mode:

Corrupt Profile:

And this one's basically like closing my eyes and just picking something...

Missing CD/DVD Drives:

Again, it really doesn't LOOK like it's a matter of filter corruption. It
can't hurt to give that a shot though.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes