Cannot Enable Firewall



I was trying to enable the firewall on my dial-up
connection as advised by microsoft. When I go into CONTROL
PANEL and click on the connection, then try to click CHANGE
SETTING OF THIS CONNECTION nothing happens. I can also
double-click the right button with the mouse pointer on top
of the connection and then click PROPERTIES and nothing
happens. The dial-up connections are AOL and CompuServe.
Does anyone have any ideas?


I have that same problem. But I use MSN 8 as my ISP.
However in the control panel under Network connections,
the ISP icon is under "Connection Manager" rather
than "Dial-up". I do have another ISP icon (netzero)
under the "Dial up" heading, and when I right-click on
the icon, the properties menu comes up and a little box
to enable the firewall is there.

I don't think it's the MSBlaster Worm . . . 1) my
computer does not exhibit the symptoms, 2) I recently
scanned my pc with the latest updates. However, my
computer seems to be infected with the sobig virus which
my virus software has not picked up . . . hence my
attempt to enable the firewall.

Anyone else encountered this dilemma?


As I understand SoBig, it is transmitted by email, hence a firewall would
not keep you from getting it, but would help against the other hacks it
downloads once it's in.

If your looking to remove sobig you can download the tool here:

As far as activating the XP firewall, I'm not really sure what your talking
about Connection Manager and Dialup, all My connections show up under
network connections so I really can't help here. Mabey someone else will
know more about msn and the XP firewall.

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