Cannot Empty <<Deleted Mail>> Folder



Please help. I have Microsoft Mail and all of a sudden the deleted mail
folder will not empty. It is set to empty on closing.......not working,
trying to delete manually.....again, won't work. I am getting hundreds of
emails in there and I really want them off of my computer.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, it would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward in advance to any and all responses.

Thanks in advance,


africanhut said:
Please help. I have Microsoft Mail and all of a sudden the deleted mail
folder will not empty. It is set to empty on closing.......not working,
trying to delete manually.....again, won't work. I am getting hundreds of
emails in there and I really want them off of my computer.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, it would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward in advance to any and all responses.

Thanks in advance,

If by chance you get a solution please let me know

Gary VanderMolen

Try this Microsoft fix:
"Messages may be stuck in the Outbox when you use Windows Mail on a
computer that is running Windows Vista"

That page offers two download options. Unless you know for sure
you have 64-bit Vista, use the 32-bit option.

Although only 'Outbox' is mentioned, it will enable removal of stuck
emails from any folder.


Hey Cookie, I think I posted a blank reply. Sorry. This board is a bit
different than most.

Anyhow, I used the solution from Gary and it is working fine for now. I have
my Mail to delete on closing and it did that fine. I also deleted a bunch by
using the delete command and that also worked. I would download that file and
see if it helps.

BTW, thanks a bunch Gary. Appreciate your time and knowledge.



africanhut said:
Hey Cookie, I think I posted a blank reply. Sorry. This board is a bit
different than most.

Anyhow, I used the solution from Gary and it is working fine for now. I have
my Mail to delete on closing and it did that fine. I also deleted a bunch by
using the delete command and that also worked. I would download that file and
see if it helps.

BTW, thanks a bunch Gary. Appreciate your time and knowledge.


Thanks Mike I did for awhile, then empty deleted stop working , instead of deleting more each day I move them to my junk folder then empty ,but I still have 135 stuck in deleted tried moving them to junk but it won't work. I will set it to delete when logging out however I believe I tried that also. Guess it won't hurt to try again I am not very computer savay so upload download and message boards are all new to me, thanks again.


Try downloading and installing this fix, without having Windows Mail

Although it's labelled as for the Outbox, it also works in other folders.

If you don't know whether to use the 32-bit version or the 64-bit
version, try the 32-bit version first.

Note that if you have certain common antivirus programs, such as
most of those from Norton and McAfee, the problem is likely to
come back, although seldom immediately. If this happens,
installing the same fix again usually makes the problem go away

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