Cannot edit form

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I cannot edit one of my forms. I do not know why
I have some more information however
Data entry Ye
Allow Edits Ye
Allow Deletions Ye
Allow Additions Yes
Recordset Type Dynase
Record Locks No Lock
The Macro performs a filter on the table
Also, it is a linked table
Any other ideas
Thank You, Alici
Hi Alicia,
Turn the filter off and try to edit again. It
may be a conflict between the filter code and the edit
which is trying to make changes or add a record in spite
of the filter.

Hope This Helps
Again this does not work. Is it something to do with my Recordset defined as Dynaset

----- Art wrote: ----

Hi Alicia
Turn the filter off and try to edit again. It
may be a conflict between the filter code and the edit
which is trying to make changes or add a record in spite
of the filter

Hope This Help
Can you add or edit data directly into the table itself?
If so, then it is not the table but the form which is
causing the problem.

Hope This Helps
It is definately the form that is causing the problem!
The macro and table are fine.
I just really don't know what to change, think it is possibly to do with the bar along the LH side of the form

----- Art wrote: ----

Can you add or edit data directly into the table itself?
If so, then it is not the table but the form which is
causing the problem.

Hope This Help
Thank you very much for your help, I have now finally figured out the problem
Each text box on the form had been set to
Locked: Ye
As there were over 30 boxes this took my a while to change them all to locked:no, but now the problem is solved