Cannot download



I have had this problem for about a month. The file download utility gives the message : " cannot download xxxx from Internet Explorer was not able to open the internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found
Please try again later.
I have been unable to update my zone alarm for exampl

Other downloads where the option to 'save' or 'open' always work. What can the problem be. More importantly what can be done to fix this
I am running XP with IE 6.02


is the dl box checked in internet options? or you could
try a dl manager, or another browser.
-----Original Message-----
I have had this problem for about a month. The file
download utility gives the message : " cannot download
xxxx from Internet Explorer was not able to open
the internet site. The requested site is either
unavailable or cannot be found.
Please try again later."
I have been unable to update my zone alarm for example

Other downloads where the option to 'save' or 'open'
always work. What can the problem be. More importantly
what can be done to fix this ?

frank f.

I am having the same exact problem except it will not let
me download anything from any web site. It has just been
doing this for about three days. I couldn't even go to
microsoft to down load anything and also macromedia flash
is not working either on different web sites. Luck for me I
had netscape and everything works on it and was able to
download the IE 6.0 sp1 but when installing it says it has
a problem with winXP logo and stops loading. It then tells
me to contact the software product people.. I have done
everything to this computer but format it and start
over(not an option)


If you ask me Microsoft has their head in the sand on this one. I have seen so many posiongs about this and I have yet to see a fix. With all due respect to everyone who has tried to help so far,it seems the problem has no solution. I have tried every recommended routine anyone was kind enough to suggest and still nada. Hello Microsoft you say there is a fix 816868 but it is not available for download. What is that all about ?

Robert Aldwinckle

there is a fix 816868 but it is not available for download

You probably wouldn't be able to use it even if it was available.

<title>KB816868 - Error Message: "Internet Explorer Cannot Download a File"</title>

The English version of this fix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following
28-Apr-2003 12:15 6.0.2800.1193 586,240 Wininet.dll

What version of wininet.dll do you have now?

If you are fully updated with security patches you could have
version (from 831167)

If you don't have that version try visiting the Windows Update site
and accept at least all critical updates.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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