Michael said:
I downloaded a video file, watched it and wanted to delete it but
I keep getting a message saying the file is being used by another
person or program and that I should shut down any program that
might be using it and try again.
Well for the life of me, I cannot figure out what, if anything,
might be using that video file that's preventing me from deleting
Any help would be appreciated.
Shenan said:
Boot into Safe Mode - delete it there.
Michael said:
Not wanting to sound too much like an idiot here but....how does
one do that? "Boot into safe mode" that is.
Search using Google!
http://www.google.com/intl/en/help/basics.html )
Example, if you searched for:
how to boot into safe mode in WIndows XP
You might find:
Which tells you:
Windows XP
If Windows XP is the only operating system installed on your computer,
booting into Safe Mode with these instructions.
a.. If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the
b.. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on.
c.. Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears.
If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard
error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again.
d.. Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected.
e.. Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode.
f.. When you are finished with all troubleshooting, close all programs and
restart the computer as you normally would.
To use the System Configuration Utility method
a.. Close all open programs.
b.. Click Start, Run and type MSCONFIG in the box and click OK
c.. The System Configuration Utility appears, On the BOOT.INI tab, Check
the "/SAFEBOOT" option, and then click OK and Restart your computer when
d.. The computer restarts in Safe mode.
e.. Perform the troubleshooting steps for which you are using Safe Mode.
When you are finished with troubleshooting in Safe mode, open MSCONFIG
again, on the BOOT.INI tab, uncheck "/SAFEBOOT" and click OK to restart
your computer
Good luck!