Every time I turn on my computer, a balloon pops up saying "You have
files waiting to be written to the CD. To see the files, click the balloon."
I tried to delete these photos which were stored in a temporary storage file
by clicking on the balloon and following the directions sent in by a
newsgroup reader (whose message, by the way, is heavily laden with viruses):
Click on this balloon. A window will open. Look under CD writing tasks menu
on the left. Click on Delete temporary files.
The only window that opens is the one asking me to insert a disk. I still
cannot access "CD Writing Tasks" or the temporary storage area. Does anyone
have any other suggestions?
files waiting to be written to the CD. To see the files, click the balloon."
I tried to delete these photos which were stored in a temporary storage file
by clicking on the balloon and following the directions sent in by a
newsgroup reader (whose message, by the way, is heavily laden with viruses):
Click on this balloon. A window will open. Look under CD writing tasks menu
on the left. Click on Delete temporary files.
The only window that opens is the one asking me to insert a disk. I still
cannot access "CD Writing Tasks" or the temporary storage area. Does anyone
have any other suggestions?