Hi, Steel.
There HAS to be an 8.3 filename! (I think. I'm an accountant, not a techie
or CS expert, but I've spent years prowling around in HD directories, a byte
at a time. Of course, that was in FAT; I never learned much about NTFS.)
SFN is a slight misnomer in that even a 3-letter filename can be illegal if
it contains an illegal character, even a space. In such case, the system
will automatically generate a legal filename that does not include the
illegal character. Dir /x will show those legal filenames in a column
before the LFNs. For instance, when you ask for Dir /x in the Root of a
WinXP volume, you should get a listing that includes the folder "Program
Files". In a column between the file size and "Program Files", you should
see "PROGRA~1". If you then type "rd progra~1", it will tell you Access
Denied. But, if you add the /s switch, it will ask, "Are you sure (Y/N)?"
I've not been brave enough to tell it Yes on THIS folder, but on just about
any other, it will wipe out the whole tree.
Your first post said:
contain illeagal characters for example "W
When I use Ctrl+F3 to see the actual content of your post, that quote
translates to:
In Windows Explorer, I created a New folder named "N?O?D.E?E". (The
characters don't look quite the same in this email font; I used the Alt key
+ the Num pad keys to create them.) Then I went to the "DOS" window and
typed Dir /x. The LFN on that line looked weird (a still different set of
characters), but the SFN was "NOD~1.EE". When I typed rd N?O?D.E?E, using
the Alt+key combos, I got the same error message you did ("...syntax is
incorrect"). But when I typed rd nod~1.ee, that folder was erased and did
not appear in the next Dir.
Try the Dir /x command again, looking for the SFN column between the file
size and the LFN. Many of the SFNs will probably include the ~ character,
and they will probably be in ALL CAPS. Use those SFNs with the Del command
to delete a file or RD <SFN> to delete a folder.
R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
sorry mate this doesn't appear to work
it seems there r no SFN to any of the files
and when i try to delete the whole directory using its
SFN it returns "the filename, directory name, or volume
label syntax is incorrect