I followed your instructions, and this is exactly what I saw there. Hope
this is the answer!
Outlook Express 6
6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp __sp2 __rtm.040803-2158)
Copyrighted by microsoft 2004. I keep getting a message: can't connect to
smtp after 60 seconds, then a verizon message pops up stating that there is a
problem, and that I should click "repair now"--and then, when I do this, it
connects to "quick support", and after a few minutes, reports an error and
that it won't go through. I tried what someone suggested: installled
Firefox, to see if my Verizon email can be accessed there--and initially, all
seemed well. Now, today I am getting a message there about not being able to
connect to server, although I can delete messages there.