Rob said:
Despite being able to delete History, certain web pages
still appear in the Address Bar (in an auto-complete type
of way) These addresses are not in my favourites.
How do I get rid of them?
An assumed source of other URLs are the ones associated
with any AutoComplete form and password data. Have you tried
clearing both and disabling that feature before clearing History?
You can prove that clearing History still constructs some "auto-Visited:"
entries from some sources such as Favorites and AutoComplete data
by examining the History.IE5\index.dat file after clearing History.
In order to avoid any possible interference I suggest that you close
all applications, especially IE and your security programs before
clearing History. To avoid restarting IE to do that you can start
the Internet Properties tool by Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter

control inetcpl.cpl
After the Clear History operation open a command window and enter
the following commands:
cd /d %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History\History.IE5
find /i "Visited:" index.dat
If you still see some of the problem URLs in the resulting display
you may have to use the delete file technique that Mike Burgess
suggests. I suspect that that means you should not retry the
IE Clear History procedure or those entries would be rebuilt.
AutoSuggest also seems to include entries from various MRU lists.
E.g. you would probably see any URLs which you launched from the
Run... dialog. Mike has some tools for clearing those too.
Robert Aldwinckle