Cannot Create Shortcut from Desktop

  • Thread starter Thread starter John M
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John M

Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It should
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not do
either. How do I correct this.
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It should
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not do
either. How do I correct this.

The OP seems mistaken.
1. Shortcuts are LNK files pointing to other files.
The Desktop is not a file (it is a folder) so right
click on empty Desktop has other functions, excluding
Send To . . .
(If we want to create a LNK to c:\windows\desktop we
must do so from c:\windows.)
2. The Browse option is produced by various functions
such as RUN. It is not produced by any click on empty
Clicking on an open window, and an empty desktop give completely different
On an empty Desktop, you do get the option of New Shortcut.
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop context
menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------

Correct, it is not. all I get are four options: Refresh, paste, paste
shortcut, and Properties. Both paste ops are greyed. Prop leads to the Screen
saver, Appearances, Themes, Wallpaper, Settings tabs.
There is no option to create a shortcut in any form whatever in any tab
window popup or anywhere.
Correct, it is missing. I have been told it should be there. It is
extaordinary that it has taken nearly 50 posts in 3 different forums all from
well meaning people with all levels of experience to get this accross.
Check this post out on the Kasperssky home users forum Its on page 2. Its
what got me here. Its quite hillarious.

What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe?
Thanks for the links I will check them out now.

John M
John John (MVP) said:
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop context
menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------


John said:
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It should
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not do
either. How do I correct this.
John M said:
Correct, it is not. all I get are four options: Refresh, paste, paste
shortcut, and Properties. Both paste ops are greyed. Prop leads to the Screen
saver, Appearances, Themes, Wallpaper, Settings tabs.

This is non-standard, i.e. you should see more options, starting with
Active Desktop.
There is no option to create a shortcut in any form whatever in any tab
window popup or anywhere.

This is normal. The shortcut option is on the submenu for the
option / Send To . . .
and when you click on Desktop (instead of an object) there is
no object that you could Send somewhere.
What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe?

/ Properties tells you this is a module associated
with Windows Update.

The OP seems not to say whether this malfunction is
new. If new, it may be cured by using System Restore to
put the clock back to a date before the malfunction appeared.
Don, could you help me out? I can't post a new question in here. What am I
doing wrong?

This was the only way I could post anything in here, was to reply to
someones reply.


Don Schmidt said:
Did John John (MVP0's suggestion solve it?

Don - Windows XP Pro® SP 3
Vancouver, USA

John M said:
Correct, it is missing. I have been told it should be there. It is
extaordinary that it has taken nearly 50 posts in 3 different forums all
well meaning people with all levels of experience to get this accross.
Check this post out on the Kasperssky home users forum Its on page 2. Its
what got me here. Its quite hillarious.

What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe?
Thanks for the links I will check them out now.

John M
John John (MVP) said:
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop context
menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------


John M wrote:
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not
either. How do I correct this.
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It
should also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop
will not do either. How do I correct this.

It does here, but not on the first right-click. Right-click, choose
NEW, and THEN you get the option for a new folder or new shortcut.

Did you just maybe forget it's under the "New" selection?


John M said:
The OP seems mistaken.
1. Shortcuts are LNK files pointing to other files.
The Desktop is not a file (it is a folder) so right
click on empty Desktop has other functions, excluding
Send To . . .
(If we want to create a LNK to c:\windows\desktop we
must do so from c:\windows.)
2. The Browse option is produced by various functions
such as RUN. It is not produced by any click on empty


It certainly is: Right click an empty area of the desktop, choose New
in the flyout, and you'll see both folder and shortcut plus another
section of more things. Where have you been? <g>

I said my desk top will NOT do either. this means it will not do either. I
have described what I get over and over and over and over. I dont care what
YOU get. Im telling what I get. Thats why Im asking for help because I am
NOTgetting on MY desktop what YOU get on YOUR desk top.
Hi Don:

I have one question: where do I find the reg editor. Ive tried everything I
know, which clearly isnt much....JohnJohns links appear to have what i want.
It just isnt written for those not computer savy.

Don Schmidt said:
Did John John (MVP0's suggestion solve it?

Don - Windows XP Pro® SP 3
Vancouver, USA

John M said:
Correct, it is missing. I have been told it should be there. It is
extaordinary that it has taken nearly 50 posts in 3 different forums all
well meaning people with all levels of experience to get this accross.
Check this post out on the Kasperssky home users forum Its on page 2. Its
what got me here. Its quite hillarious.

What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe?
Thanks for the links I will check them out now.

John M
John John (MVP) said:
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop context
menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------


John M wrote:
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not
either. How do I correct this.
It took a while but I figured out how to load that stuff without blowing up
my laptop. However....
right click the desk top still shows the little window with the same 4
options Refresh, Properties and 2 paste options which are greyed out. that's
it, period. I have not missed a letter or number in the reg key or the { }
brackets around the value or ( ) around the word default. I read it over
many times one keystroke at a time. It is correct and in the right folder.

It's a moot point. all this was to get at a solution that would allow me to
delete Kaspersky AV7 so I could run KAV9. The KAV forum has so many people
having serious problems with it I ain't touchin it with a barge pole. It
would however be nice to know why I can't get the same result on my desktop
as you are.

John John (MVP) said:
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop context
menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------


John said:
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It should
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not do
either. How do I correct this.
I have read your original post and all your replies in this thread. No
where have you told anyone what OS you are running. From your post
properties it appears that you might be running Windows 2000? Having never
run that OS myself I can't say whether or not the option you are looking for
is supposed to be in the right click options or not, but it might help
someone else who has a computer with the same OS to verify if they do or

If you use Windows Explorer and right click on a file, say an executeable or
even a document file, do you then have a create shortcut option in the menu?
In my Windows XP it appears as the 4th option from the bottom of the list
that comes up on a right click.

Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c. It should
also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My desktop will not do
either. How do I correct this.
John said:
It took a while but I figured out how to load that stuff without blowing up
my laptop. However....
right click the desk top still shows the little window with the same 4
options Refresh, Properties and 2 paste options which are greyed out. that's
it, period. I have not missed a letter or number in the reg key or the { }
brackets around the value or ( ) around the word default. I read it over
many times one keystroke at a time. It is correct and in the right folder.

You did that by hand, manually? Did you create the right type of value?
Is it named (Default)? You could have copied the stuff between the
--- lines (including the blank line at the bottom and saved it in a
Notepad file. Save the file with a .reg extension (filename.reg) and
then merge it to the registry by double clicking on it.

Don Phillipson said:
This is non-standard, i.e. you should see more options, starting with
Active Desktop.

This is normal.

No, it isn't. Right-clicking on an empty space on the Desktop should produce
a context menu including the "New" option, under which should be available a
"Shortcut". If you don't have that, *your* system isn't normal!

The OP's original observation, "Right clicking desktop should give the
option to create a new s-c," was absolutely spot-on. He didn't ask about
"Send To" from the Desktop, nor about creating a LNK *to* the Desktop.

Your comment, "The Browse option is produced by various functions such as
RUN. It is not produced by any click on empty Desktop" is similarly
inaccurate. OP should just be able to right-click, New, Shortcut, browse to
item location.

Talk about wild goose chases!

The shortcut option is on the submenu for the
Are you saying that the "New" option is missing from the desktop
context menu? If so try here:

New command missing in Windows Explorer;en-us;180257

or merge this .reg file to the registry:

-------------------Copy Below This Line------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


-------------------Copy Above this line----------------------------


John said:
Right clicking desktop should give the option to create a new s-c.
It should also alow Browse option to go look for the target. My
desktop will not do either. How do I correct this.

But ... you have not said you tried the right-click, which is what is
necessary to get to the item you wanted.
I have read your original post and all your replies in this thread. No
where have you told anyone what OS you are running. From your post
properties it appears that you might be running Windows 2000? Having
never run that OS myself I can't say whether or not the option you
are looking for is supposed to be in the right click options or not,
but it might help someone else who has a computer with the same OS to
verify if they do or not.

Just tried it on a win2k machine. Basically the same thing. The New
entry is second from the bottom on both XP and win2kSP4 I *think* it is.
Up to date, at any rate.

If he doesn't have XP then he's been in the wrong group all along, but
it shouldn't matter; the answer is the same either way.


No, it's not normal. RIGHT-clicking an empty area on the desktop will
get you a window with, minimum,

Arrange Icons By
Paste (grayed out unless there is something in clipboard)
Paste Shortcut (grayed out unless there is something in clipboard)
my Video display stuff - you should have similar

If you do not have those, and are on XP, then you have system corruption
or you've allowed some 3rd party app to control your context menu there.
A RIGHT-click on New there will give you the shortcut option you

From the sound of this thread, you might be best advised to do a Repair
Install of your XP operating system to try to sort this out and repair
it. Backup your data first, although it's unlikely you will need it; a
Repair Install does not delete any data on you unless it gets screwed up
somehow. It's always a good idea to backup data first anytime you mess
with the OS in any way.
It's probably too late for a System Restore Point to fix this for you
now. I'd say repair is your best bet because you aren't getting
anything out of the many times you've been told what to do or what you
should have available to you if all is well with your machine.
