Cannot copy/burn files toCD RW

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I have a new pc with Vista Basic. I have been trying to copy files to a CDRW
for the last 4 weeks without success. I can copy fils to a CD R but of
course, I am unable to edit or change the files as it tells me they are .read
only. I have used Live format and when I open the CDRW disc and try to save
changes I have made to the data files, I receive a message saying the files
are 'read only'.

The process takes hours to copy a 3mb file and I tried to stop the copying
process because I was so frustrated, but everything just 'hangs'. Even using
task manager to end the process doesn't always work. So I 'shut down' but
after 1 hour of being told the pc is 'shutting down' and still waiting I
finally switched off at the plug.

First, how long should it take to copy a file of 3mb to a disc? (When there
are no other progs. running except A/Virus etc)
Secondly, why can't I edit files on the disc?

I even reinstalled Vista in the vain hope that there was a problem with the
original installation (I believe there was, due to other problems with
hanging and programs that stopped responding)
ANY ADVICE would be good right now. Thanks in advance
I find it best to use a program such as Nero to burn files. Though I have
success in the Windows Explorer with pasting data files onto a DVD-RW.

You can also right click on a file or even a folder and uncheck the 'read
only' attribute.
I'm now having the same kind of problem. I've been using Windows Explorer to
cut and paste onto a CD-RW, and now for the past two days, it stalls before
finishing and locks the computer. I have Vista Home Premium OS. Task Manager
will not shut down the stalled program, or do anything. I finally have to
shut the power off to the computer. I've done the disk check and there is
nothing wrong with the CD. I've also tried to copy to another newly formatted
CD and it still does the same thing. Please help as this is where I store
program backups and my photograph backups. About the only thing I have done
recently is uninstall Norton Virus program, which I never wanted in the first
place. I know it causes many problems, but it came pre-installed.