Cannot connect with Internet Explorer after installing SP2

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Without SP2 installed, browser works fine. Once
installed, cannot get online. Hardware all checks out OK
and disabled the Windows XP firewall, still will not
work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm having the same problem. Netscape is working, exept for the Download
Manager. Therefore, I can only browse the internet/email, but not being able
to download files (I wanted to down load the IE6 and reinstall).

A lot of other applications are not working either, even with Firewall
disabled. The aggrevating thing is there is not even any error message. I
monitor the processes in the Task Manager, and can see the processes fire
off and disappear again very soon.

Could someone help out?

Hi Jack :-)

Cannot connect to net after installing service pack 2

It's very likely that the install of SP2 unearthed hijackware which remained
hidden in SP1, and that it's the hijackware causing your connection
to drop.

Thus, in addition to running your updated anti-virus program, you should do
the following to be sure none of these are present on your system. Although
you may have already run one or more of the programs, please do so again
according to the instructions below. Be aware that some variants of malware
can replicate themselves over and over if not removed properly. Please
follow all instructions carefully to be sure your system is thoroughly

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:
Be sure to run CWShredder, AdAware and Spybot.
Download the newest version of HiJackThis here:
(or Spybot - Search and Destroy DSO Exploit Fix 1.3.1 TX)
Also be sure to use the HijackThis. Please do not post your log to this
newsgroup, but to the HiJackThis Support Forum
or the Aumha HiJackThis forums
to allow the experts there to evaluate your log and advise you of the
necessary steps to clean your system.

Also this program searches for hidden .dlls that recreate the malware.
About Buster:

CAUTION!!!!! Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs
below, download a copy of LSPFIX from any of the following sites:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.

Also, get a copy of WINSOCKXPFIX available at:
WinsockXP Fix- WinXP
Also, with instructions, at
From LavaSoft- all versions of Windows-
also ....
(NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.)

or ........

Winsock Fix Utility


Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest pattern
file, here:
Be sure to read the "How-to" info here:
You might also want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future
updating of these:
(If you download and use the updater from the beginning, it will
automatically handle downloading the other files. Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. This scan may take a long
time, as Sysclean is VERY extensive and thorough


NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again in Safe Mode to be
sure there are no lingering items on the system.


Additional information on how to protect your PC:
The Parasite Fight
More security tips at
Bugs, Glitches & Stuffups:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
I don't understand this - how could the safer SP2 not being able to work
around (or better yet, get rid of) any "hijackware" that were harmless to
SP1? Thanks for giving us a loundry list of solutions, basically asking to
install more "hijackware"? I'm reluctant to introduce so much more variables.

Isn't there a simpler solution just to get the IE working again - however
it's dropping the connection?

Hi Jack :-)

Sorry for the 'laundry list', but, that is what may be needed to get IE
working again. As far as the workings of SP2, you must not have read up on
it before installing, such as following, which may answer your questions. I
regret that there is no "one click does it all" method to remove many types
of scumware from your system. I can only provided the tools. :-)

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

Pre-Installation Recommendations:

What to Know Before You Download and Install Windows XP Service Pack 2

Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2

Browsing Security Enhancements:Changes to Functionality in Microsoft
Windows XP Service Pack 2

Windows XP Service Pack 2: What's New for Internet Explorer and Outlook

Tidying up after SP2 Installation:

WinXP SP2 Homepage

WinXP SP2 Support Center
Pages of MVP & 'Windows Update Maven' Jupiter Jone's
Service Pack (any) Installation Checklist

WinXP SP2-specific Page

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post: the rest of the folks who volunteer to try to help folks like
you here, I do not engage in trying to get people to install hijackware, or
any other type of scumware, but, to provide the tools to clean it from the
systems of those who have been victimized by it. The tools I provided are
the standard recommendations among most, if not all, who post here and other
newsgroups. It is, of course, your prerogative not to use them.

Jan :)
Dear Jan:

Thank you, thank you, thank you. After spending several days and many hours
on the phone with Dell Computer and AOL trying to fix the problem, with your
instructions, the problem was resolved in five minutes.

AOL would not connect to the Internet, nor could I use Internet Explorer on
its own. My other web browsers worked. This occurred after I used the free
virus scanner (McAfee) from AOL.

Now I feel braver about downloading SP2 for XP Professional.
