Cannot connect win2000 to winxp



I have 7pc's connected on a peer-to-peer network.
Some win2000, and some winxp. I can see all the pc's
on the network, but cannot get access to some of the
machines...if I go to My Network Places and then to view
workgroup computers, it is all there but when I click on
one it says "it's not accessible. You might not have
permission to use this network resource"

Not sure what to do...?


Are there any shares on the computers that you are clicking on to
attach to?? What is the share permissions? Create a share on one of
the computers with permission of everyone read. Then recheck your
connectivity problem.

Danny Slye - [MSFT}

A number of things might cause this. Personal firewalls like Black Ice or
the XP Personal Firewall might be a factor.
Also, verify in the Local Security Policy, User Rights Assignment, that the
Everyone group has "access this computer from the network" rights.

I have 7pc's connected on a peer-to-peer network.
Some win2000, and some winxp. I can see all the pc's
on the network, but cannot get access to some of the
machines...if I go to My Network Places and then to view
workgroup computers, it is all there but when I click on
one it says "it's not accessible. You might not have
permission to use this network resource"

Not sure what to do...?

Danny Slye
Microsoft Support Professional

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