I've tried verything I can think of, but always get the same error when
running connectcomputer. Here is the log file:-
27/08/2008 3:55 PM
-- Starting SBS Net Setup --
-- Primary DNS [] is SBS Server --
-- ServerURL is [] --
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting
bFound to true
Starting wizard with strComputer [SBS-A], strDomain[cjp.local], strNetBIOS
[CJP], strBase []
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting
bFound to true
found [4] keys
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [1003, C:\Users\Geoff] to the profile
dir map
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [Geoff, C:\Users\Geoff] to the profile
dir map
CAuthPage::OnNotify() - PSN_WIZNEXT - User Name: geoff2
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject(
LDAP://SBS-A.cjp.local/DC=cjp,DC=local, geoff2, [PW] )
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject(
LDAP://SBS-A.cjp.local/DC=cjp,DC=local, geoff2, [PW] )
GetXMLNode() - DOMDocument::selectSingleNode( root/mapping[@user='geoff2'] )
failed [1]
LoadMappingInfo() - find [root/mapping[@user='geoff2']] failed, user not
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - runonce key set
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - account existed, deleting
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - setting DefaultDomainName_PostMigrate to [CJP], [0]
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - setting DefaultUserName_PostMigrate to [], [0]
CWizard::FinishNetworkingSetup() - outputting XML file
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- calling NetJoinDomain( NULL, cjp.local,
ou=sbscomputers,ou=computers,ou=mybusiness,dc=cjp,dc=local, cjp.local\geoff2,
[pw], 359 )
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- NetJoinDomain() failed [1355], returning
FinishNetworkingSetup() failed -- hr == [-2147467259]
Deleted sbsmig out of runonce key.
running connectcomputer. Here is the log file:-
27/08/2008 3:55 PM
-- Starting SBS Net Setup --
-- Primary DNS [] is SBS Server --
-- ServerURL is [] --
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting
bFound to true
Starting wizard with strComputer [SBS-A], strDomain[cjp.local], strNetBIOS
[CJP], strBase []
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting
bFound to true
found [4] keys
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [1003, C:\Users\Geoff] to the profile
dir map
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [Geoff, C:\Users\Geoff] to the profile
dir map
CAuthPage::OnNotify() - PSN_WIZNEXT - User Name: geoff2
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject(
LDAP://SBS-A.cjp.local/DC=cjp,DC=local, geoff2, [PW] )
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject(
LDAP://SBS-A.cjp.local/DC=cjp,DC=local, geoff2, [PW] )
GetXMLNode() - DOMDocument::selectSingleNode( root/mapping[@user='geoff2'] )
failed [1]
LoadMappingInfo() - find [root/mapping[@user='geoff2']] failed, user not
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - runonce key set
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - account existed, deleting
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - setting DefaultDomainName_PostMigrate to [CJP], [0]
CWizard:repAutoLogon() - setting DefaultUserName_PostMigrate to [], [0]
CWizard::FinishNetworkingSetup() - outputting XML file
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- calling NetJoinDomain( NULL, cjp.local,
ou=sbscomputers,ou=computers,ou=mybusiness,dc=cjp,dc=local, cjp.local\geoff2,
[pw], 359 )
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- NetJoinDomain() failed [1355], returning
FinishNetworkingSetup() failed -- hr == [-2147467259]
Deleted sbsmig out of runonce key.