Windows Vista cannot connect to my router

Dec 2, 2007
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I need help. I am connected to the internet through a wired US Robotics router with address

I connect successfully to the internet and to another PC in home network. I can also ping, but I cannot log into the router. I used to be able to connect to it by typing in the internet explorer address bar, which then used to give me a log in screen. Now I don't connect and don't het a log in screen. I get a message "cannotconnect to server". I am able to get a log in screen on typing another IP address on the ineternet, but not to my own router. My sub net mask is correctly set to Al other network function, file sharing is working correctly.

What else should I check ? Any ideas will be appreciated.


if you cant log into it via any of your systems then hit the reset button

it is possible that the router is set to only allow admin access from only on IP address on the network
Thanks. I tried log in from all PCs on the network. None of them allowed log in. I go through 2 routers and a cable modem. It turns out my VOIP router was somehow asleep and allowing phonecalls through but not allowing PCs to receive in-bound TCPIP communication. I could access web sites, but no two way communication. Resetting that router restored connectivity. Thanks again for your valuable insoght. I had gone through virus checking and TCPIP setup on all machines, but had not checked this aspect.

