Windows Vista cannot connect to help & support

Jun 8, 2008
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I am running Vista Home Premium - My computer is 3 weeks old with big RAM and big ROM. I have had to reinstall the system from the Dell Disc as I had a virus. After having chased and installed all drivers etc I don't seem to have the helpctr.exe which is connected to help & support after the start button.

It doesn't seem to be installed at all having seen some stuff on the web to test for it. How can I install this. I have looked on he install disc but there doesn't seem to be any separate repair function at all.

When I press help & support 2 dialogue boxes come up and the smaller one says

"Internet Explorer cannot download/ from help"

"Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable
or cannot be found. Please try again later."

the squarer dialogue box behind says 0% of from help completed with the progress bar running horizontally but no green showing.

Is there anywhere that can give me the link and tell me where to put it. i.e. the registry etc. thanks very much

Such thing happens when the default application assigned for .xml files is replaced with another. This patch will restore default values in your registry.Such thing happens when the default application assigned for .xml files is replaced with another. This patch will restore default values in your registry. Go here to downlad the patch to restore Registry values