Cannot Connect to File Shares on XP Pro Machine

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I have XP Pro machines on my network and I cannot get Vista to see them let
alone connect to any of their file shares.

I've tried to connect via UNC and IP address. Neither work. I get the error
that the computer cannot be found on the network.

Now I can ping these PCs successfully via their IP -and- Computer Name, so
IP/Name resolution is working fine. I can also connect to them via RDP
(Remote Desktop) via IP and Computer Name. Only trying to connect for file &
printer sharing does not work.
Question 1: IS File and printer sharing turned on on the XP boxes?
Question 2: Have you turned on "Network Discovery" on the Vista machine?

Both have to be done or file sharing won't work at all. you may also have to
configure any third party firewalls. Another suggestion, If you aren't
using any XP HOme Machines on the same network, go into View on the shared
folders and turn off "Simple File Sharing." For some reason i think Vista
might have problem with that. anyway lemme know, what your setup is. BTW,
on the vista box, open up your Network and sharing center, and click on
manage network connections. Bring up the properties for you network adapter
and highlight the IP4 option. Click on Properties. once the IP config box
pops up, click on Advanced and then select the WINS tab. MAke sure you
enable NETBIOS over TCP/IP. if it's not enabled you can't see the XP pro
machine as XP only file shares through NetBIOS and if your running a router,
(as I am,) the DHCP from the rout won't enable the "Default NetBios".
I'm sorry, I thought I had written that info in my first post, guess I did not.

-There are no firewalls installed and all machines have the Windows firewall
turned off.
-Network discovery is turned on.
-File sharing is turned on on the XP machines. The XP machines (and even
98se one) can connect to the shares on the XP machines. The shares are on and
work ok, except with Vista that is.
-Simple File Sharing is turned of on all of the XP machines.
Thaaaaanks :) You saved me days of frustration by directing me to this
You nailed it right Jordan ;)

Hmmm, doesn't work for me.
I have both XP Home and XP Pro machines. They don't see the Vista (RC1)
machine and the Vista machine doesn't see them. The Vista machine doesn't
have a firewall. The others do, but the XP Pro one is configured for the
entire router's DCHP range. Network discovering, files sharing, printer
sharing are on. File sharing is turned on on the XP machines.

What is "simple file sharing" and how do I turn it off?
I changed the setting you mentioned to Enable NetBios over TCP/IP.
My XP machines all have NetBeui installed (they don't see each other without
