Most of us don't like to open a link especially not when it is from somebody
from a chinese area because of the much malafide spam which as been in these
newsgroups from that area. In this case it is obvious that it is not, but a
lot of people don't even look at that at it is from China (Hong Kong) in
this case
You just can copy and paste
I am using the following connectionstring in vb.net 2005 program.
<add key="SGSQLConn" value="Data Source=;Initial
catalog=Testing;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=raymond;Password=abc"/>
(1) It cannot open the connection and prompt the error that <cannot open
database "Testing" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed
for user 'raymond'.>
(2) When I remove initial catalog, connection can be open and when fill to
the dataset, it prompt error that table no found.
(3) When put in asp.net program with altering connectionstring to be usable
in sqldatastore using same userid and password, I can connect to the
database and see the tables.
(4) Using same userid and password and ipaddress, I can connect to the
database and withdraw data using studio management express.