Ilya Evseev
There is a dialog form containing some panels, each panel contains some buttons.
The one button have .DialogResult property assigned to OK,
and the one have .DialogResult assigned to Cancel.
Form properties .AcceptButton è .CancelButton are assigned to these two buttons.
All other buttons have .DialogResult = None.
Problem: form ignores clicks on OK è Cancel buttons, and pressing Enter and Esc.
What's happen? Where can be a bug?!?
The another form that contains OK and Cancel buttons only works properly.
WBR, Ilya
There is a dialog form containing some panels, each panel contains some buttons.
The one button have .DialogResult property assigned to OK,
and the one have .DialogResult assigned to Cancel.
Form properties .AcceptButton è .CancelButton are assigned to these two buttons.
All other buttons have .DialogResult = None.
Problem: form ignores clicks on OK è Cancel buttons, and pressing Enter and Esc.
What's happen? Where can be a bug?!?
The another form that contains OK and Cancel buttons only works properly.
WBR, Ilya