cannot clear password with 2003 or 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Les Caudle
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Les Caudle

I've got an mdb from a client I'm trying to upsize to SQL 2005.

It was originally created in Access 2003.

When I open the mdb using his system.mdw, while logged in as the user who
created the db (full ownership of db and all objects), I cannot clear the
password for that user in Access 2007.

I get an error msg of 'you do not have the necessary permissions to use the
'theUser' object. Have your sys admin establish the appropriate permissions
for you - for both Access 2003 & 2007.

I need to totally strip out all security permissions as the upsizing wizard is
failing on one table - and I want to try a newer upsizing program from MS that
runs outside of Access - but doesn't seem to deal with a database with a

How can I get rid of all security in this database?
Hello Les,

I understand that you want to remove all the password in the Access 2003
database so that you could upsize it to SQL 2005. If I misunderstood your
concern, please feel free to let me know.

You mqy use some third party tool to remove the password.

Hope this helps.


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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Wei - The db is not protected by a single password.

It has user/group users & passwords.

I have the username & password of the user who created it.

I can get to the security screens and change ownership of all objects.

BUT - I cannot find a way to remove all the security.

That is what I want to accomplish - and I should be able to as I have the db
creator's user/pass. So, I must be overlooking something (I haven't dealt with
Access security in 8-10 years - I use SQL Server).

I can run the Access upsizing wizard (plenty of permissions for that, but it
fails on one table).

It appears I need to strip out all permissions to run the

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access

which seems very recent 5/22/07.

Thanks, Les Caudle
Keith - I gave administer permissions to all objects for the Users group
(selected tables, database, queries, etc. and had all permissions checked and

I still get an error (you do not have the necessary permissions) when I attempt
to remove the password from the logged in user.

What steps do I need to take to get rid of all the security? I must be missing
something obvious?

The user has administrator permissions on all objects.

Thanks, Les Caudle
Don't worry about removing the password on some user. Grant full permissions to every object (including the Database object) to the Users Group.

Use the workgroup administrator to join the standard system.mdw that ships with Access.
Close Access and restart it (you'll now be using system.mdw, rather than your secure mdw).
Create a new mdb and import all the objects from your database. This new mdw will be unsecured.
Joan - that worked. I'm now able to open the db with my normal system.mdw. No
user/pass is required.

However, I'm having a problem with the SQL Server Migration Assistant for

It give me error msgs like:
Access Object Collector error: table : C_ Supervisors
No columns were loaded.
Access Object Collector error: table : C_Supervisors
Could not read definitions; no read definitions permission for table or
query 'C_ Supervisors'.
Error occurred while loading indexes.

for every table.

I've tried giving Admins group full permissions for the tables object. Users
group already full permissions for tables.

I tried to give admins group full permissions for the Databases Object. But, I
get an error of 'you can 't change permissions for '<current database>' to
change permissions for this object, you must have administer permissions for it.

I thought I had administer permissions? If I open with the system.mdw provided
(using Access 2007), I can see the the admins group has full permissions for the
database object.

I'm kind of stumped on this?

Thanks, Les Caudle
The Admins Group in system.mdw is not the same as the Admins Group in your secure mdw.

You need to open the mdb using your secure mdw, logging in as a user that's a member of the Admins Group. Grant full permission to every object, including the database object (it sounds as though the Users Group did not get full permission to every object. Then, you must rejoin system.mdw, create a new mdb and import everything from your old mdb - this ensures that the new mdb is completely unsecure.

Then compact it, and try the migration again.
Hi ,

How is everything going? Please feel free to let me know if you need any


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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Wei - finally got security cleared by copying all objects into another blank

Thanks, Les Caudle