I'm using the below code to access a web service. The data comes back
just fine in an object. But I can't seem to do anything with the
object. In the regular .NET Framework, I can cast the object to an
XmlNode[]. But I get a System.InvalidCastException, if I do this in
the CF.
Any suggestions?
RequestNamespace="urn:TMSWebServices", ResponseNamespace="")]
public object download(string startTime, string endTime)
object[] response = this.Invoke("download", new object[]
{startTime, endTime});
return (object)response[0];
just fine in an object. But I can't seem to do anything with the
object. In the regular .NET Framework, I can cast the object to an
XmlNode[]. But I get a System.InvalidCastException, if I do this in
the CF.
Any suggestions?
RequestNamespace="urn:TMSWebServices", ResponseNamespace="")]
public object download(string startTime, string endTime)
object[] response = this.Invoke("download", new object[]
{startTime, endTime});
return (object)response[0];