cannot capture video

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rad
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I have just bought a PC with movie maker installed and
want to capture DV from my sony handycam via the firewire
(i-Link). Help says that in video capture device page I
should "click DV camera" but I have no such icon on
offer. In fact no video capture devices at all. Do I have
to install this from someplace else? Do I need another
driver maybe? I thought all I needed was pre installed.
This is my first attempt at importing DV and I've got
nowhere - any help would be welcome
Hello Rad,

To capture from your firewire enabled camer you need a firewire port on the
computer (Do not confuse this with USB 1.1 or 2.0) Not many computers come
with a firewire port already installed and therefore if one did not come
with your camera you will have to buy one...they are not all that
expensive, but I would in any case say don't be lulled into buying the
cheapest. Buy a manufacturer that you know about or is recomended by
someone who knows what he is talking about.

Once you card is installed the act of plugging the camera into the card via
the FireWire cable (This may not come with the card) and having the camera
switched to the VCR mode will cause XP to play a two note musical chime and
that means your system is ready to go.

The rest of it is fasirly straight forward...Movie Maker (or any other DV
aware software) will control the camera for you through a standard
interface....99% of the time this is what all new users find so you stand a
good chance of having it working real soon

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hi John
Thanks for your help
I have a firewire port installed on my PC and device
manager reports it as working OK. I am using a 6pin to 4
pin firewire (i-link) to my sony digital 8 TRV265E
handycam but the pc just doesnt see it.
Another tip I have had is to install a driver
called "microsft DV camera and VCR" but I cant find that
anywhere not on my pc, back up driver disks or the
internet and I've looked pretty hard. Windows seem to
using Directshow for most video stuff but whatever is
going on its not working. I can stream video through USB
just fine but the quality is not up to DV standard and I
cant use the transport controls of course. This sounds
like it ought to be a simple problem with a simple
solution but I guess I should know by now that things are
never like that - and I'm a novice with Video so I'm not
getting far!


Its a Sony digital 8 TRV265E. I'm using 6p/4p i-link to
factory installed firewire port but windows just can't see
the DV device. I've followed every bit of advice I can
find from PC manufacturer etc and have looked for drivers
that might make it work but but no luck yet


Hi there,

I am not sure that I have heard of that driver you least not
by that name.

As you mentioned. Windows now uses DitectX. Direct show is just one part of
a bigger package. If you have not already done this, try the following...

1) Download the full versions of DirectX 9.0b and Windows Media Player 9 (It
is important that you get the full versions.

2) Reboot the computer and do not run any program. This ensures that there
are no file locks in force.

3) Install DirectX and reboot

4) Install Windows Media Player and reboot

The above is a bit long winded, but it will ensure that you get a clean

Let us know what happens after that.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
well there ya go. I checked xp b4 I did anything and I
seemed to have the latest and fullest version of
everything but what the heck did it anyway. Suddenly
everythings bells whistles and lights and even that
driver I mentioned - "microsoft camera and VCR" has
suddenly appeared. Dunno what happened and don't care
really- it works thats what matters. Thx 4 yr help.
-----Original Message-----
Hi there,

I am not sure that I have heard of that driver you least not
by that name.

As you mentioned. Windows now uses DitectX.
Direct show is just one part of
I did some tinkering with Direct x in line with the other
posts. I don't know quite what happened as I'm darn sure
I had all the right versions of everything already. maybe
the refresh kick started something. anyway its flying
now.Thx Rad