Cannot add titles... please help me

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad
  • Start date Start date


Whenever I try to add a title or words it just shows up a
white screen. I tried changing the text color and the
background and everything and it just shows like a white
grayish screen. Can someone please help me I am
desperate. Thanks.
Nope...shows the same thing everytime. Just a gray square
in the preview box.
-----Original Message-----
Try setting your background color to a dark color and
make sure transparency is set to 0%
I too am looking for a solution to this problem.

Had you experienced any installation errors (unable to
register dlls) upon upgrading to MM2? This was suggested
as a possible cause in a previous message string (see
5.19.04 "Movie Maker 2 Error 1904 Module").
Hello there,

A break down of any sort in the preview window suggests one of the DirectX
files is perhaps not working properly. To eliminate this as the cause is a
bit of a pain I'm afraid but if everything else has failed I suppose its
worth a try.

1) Reboot and then uninstall Windows Media Player

2) Reboot and Uninstall DirectX

3) Download the full versions of DirectX 9.0b, Windows Media Player 9 and
Movie Maker

4) If you have a registry cleaning program run it twice. I use Ashampoo
from I believe you can still get a trial version from
them...the trial version will only delete a few entries at a time so you
would need to re-run it until such time as it states there are no more
entries to delete.

5) Reboot and install DirectX 9.0b

6) Reboot and install Media Player

7) Reboot and install Movie Maker

I realize its a hell of a drag having to reboot all the time, it is though
the only way to be certain that all file locks (where possible) have been

If the above fails I would start wondering about your graphics card. If its
one of those that is part of the motherboard as opposed to a distinct card
you may not be able to do anything about it. Whether it is or not, you
might want to chase after the latest driver for it. In addition, and I am
not certain about this, Movie Maker may be accessing the OpenGL part of
your graphics card to write the text overlay....Not all graphics cards are
OpenGL compliant (All new ones will be) You may want to see whether you
need a separate driver for the OpenGL part in the way that older graphics
cards do.

If ALL of the above fails, well, can I sell you a nice 10lb lump hammer
already? :)
John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Many thanks for your suggestions. I did just as you
advised (even updated my graphics drivers, which is a
technical stretch for me) but to no avail; the problem
still existed. I finally bit the bullet this afternoon
and did a complete reinstall of Windows XP. Problem

Take care.

-----Original Message-----
Hello there,

A break down of any sort in the preview window suggests one of the DirectX
files is perhaps not working properly. To
eliminate this as the cause is a
bit of a pain I'm afraid but if everything else has failed I suppose its
worth a try.

1) Reboot and then uninstall Windows Media Player

2) Reboot and Uninstall DirectX

3) Download the full versions of DirectX 9.0b, Windows Media Player 9 and
Movie Maker

4) If you have a registry cleaning program run it twice. I use Ashampoo
from I believe you can still get a trial version from
them...the trial version will only delete a few entries at a time so you
would need to re-run it until such time as it states there are no more
entries to delete.

5) Reboot and install DirectX 9.0b

6) Reboot and install Media Player

7) Reboot and install Movie Maker

I realize its a hell of a drag having to reboot all the time, it is though
the only way to be certain that all file locks (where possible) have been

If the above fails I would start wondering about your graphics card. If its
one of those that is part of the motherboard as opposed to a distinct card
you may not be able to do anything about it. Whether it is or not, you
might want to chase after the latest driver for it. In addition, and I am
not certain about this, Movie Maker may be accessing the OpenGL part of
your graphics card to write the text
overlay....Not all graphics cards are