I have have a situation. I'm unable to add cells that are formulated.
Attached is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will explain my problem
more in detail.
I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet that has a minor league baseball
schedule. All you do is enter the scores of both TEAM A and TEAM B in
the tan cells of columns "D" and "G".
In the "I" and "J" cells which are green, I have formulas such as
=IF(D8>G8,"1","0") and =IF(D8<G8,"1","0") that automatically insert a
"1" or "0" depending on if TEAM A Wins or loses. No problem here.
Where the problem occurs is in the red shaded cells in columns "I" and
"J" for the totals. I am unable to add the green shaded cells above
which are formulated.
What do I need to do?
Attachment filename: addition problem.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=396933
Attached is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will explain my problem
more in detail.
I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet that has a minor league baseball
schedule. All you do is enter the scores of both TEAM A and TEAM B in
the tan cells of columns "D" and "G".
In the "I" and "J" cells which are green, I have formulas such as
=IF(D8>G8,"1","0") and =IF(D8<G8,"1","0") that automatically insert a
"1" or "0" depending on if TEAM A Wins or loses. No problem here.
Where the problem occurs is in the red shaded cells in columns "I" and
"J" for the totals. I am unable to add the green shaded cells above
which are formulated.
What do I need to do?
Attachment filename: addition problem.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=396933