Try this script
BEGIN Script
@echo off
Enable Registry Editing
The following registry value:
Value Name: DisableReistryTools
Data Type: REG_DWORD -Boolean
Value Data Range: 0, 1 (False, True) Default: 0 (False)
This script requires the Windows 2000 Support Tools Utility REG.EXE
The Windows 2000 Support Tools are included on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM
in the \Support\Tools directory - Run SETUP.EXE from this directory to
install this useful tool and others
This script will Enable (Off / False - default setting) the Windows 2000
Registry Editing Tools
/v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
END Script
The actual REG command will probably wrap in this post. The line begins with
REG ADD and ends with /d 0 /f
As stated, the script relies on the REG.EXE command line utility. The Win2k,
XP, or 2003 versions should all work. put REG.EXE and the script onto a
floppy and run it.
Robert Strom