Cannot access RegEdit: Access denied

  • Thread starter Thread starter R Castee
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R Castee

Our school district was infected with the blaster worm and
others. We cleaned most, however, some of the PCs running
Win 2000 no longer allow access to the RegEdit. Access
denied. How can we fix that without reformatting or
Ghosting them? I tried the suggestions someone offered to
no avail. Thanks!
R Castee wrote in
Our school district was infected with the blaster worm and
others. We cleaned most, however, some of the PCs running
Win 2000 no longer allow access to the RegEdit. Access
denied. How can we fix that without reformatting or
Ghosting them? I tried the suggestions someone offered to
no avail. Thanks!

What "suggestions" did you try? Local Group Policy is a likely avenue
to a fix in most cases.
Try this script

BEGIN Script

@echo off


Enable Registry Editing


The following registry value:

Value Name: DisableReistryTools
Data Type: REG_DWORD -Boolean
Value Data Range: 0, 1 (False, True) Default: 0 (False)

This script requires the Windows 2000 Support Tools Utility REG.EXE
The Windows 2000 Support Tools are included on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM
in the \Support\Tools directory - Run SETUP.EXE from this directory to
install this useful tool and others

This script will Enable (Off / False - default setting) the Windows 2000
Registry Editing Tools


/v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

END Script

The actual REG command will probably wrap in this post. The line begins with
REG ADD and ends with /d 0 /f

As stated, the script relies on the REG.EXE command line utility. The Win2k,
XP, or 2003 versions should all work. put REG.EXE and the script onto a
floppy and run it.


Robert Strom
Thank you for your suggestions. I will try them on
Monday. Since posting this, I received several emails
from "Microsoft Tech Support" this morning with "patches"
attached and found virus' instead!