Cannot Access Recycler

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Cabral
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Michael Cabral


I have found a Trojan in C:\Recycler. I've got the latest updates for MSAS,
but it cannot remove this particular Trojan file. So, using the recovery
console, I tried to access the folder myself. But I can't in. Access Is
Denied no matter what I do. I can't CD (change directory), nor can I change
the attribute of the folder from system or hidden. Any suggestions would be
most appreciated. By the way, I'm not using any 3rd party utility that would
protect the Recycle Bin. Thanks.

-- WinXP Home SP1
-Michael Cabral
SOHO Consultant
Hi Michael ,

Try deleting c:\recycler and see if it clear's it

Open a command prompt,goto start,then run & type


Press enter to open the prompt screen

Copy and paste this line in :

attrib c:\recycler -h -s

Press Enter.Then type

del c:\recycler

Press enter again

Say yes when asked.Close the command prompt.

*** Note -The recycle bin is recreated automatically by
Windows (if not immediately, then on the next reboot),

This is a good way to reset it if the bin is corrupted in
some way but let me know if it doesnt remove the trojan

Regards Andy
I would call 1-866-PC Safety and ask for their assistance.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security

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Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
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The recovery console is limited in areas of the disk that it can access,
unless you have made some settings before invoking it.

I'd recommend going with Steve Dodson's advice, but if you want to
investigate further on your own, there are a couple of avenues:
1) Bart's:
2) If you are running XP Pro (or Windows 2000??) check out this reference to
expand the reach of the recovery console:
Hi, Andy,

You got it. The issue here seems to be that the Recovery Console can't not
access the C:\Recycler directory. Why, I'm not sure. Probably the same
reason it can't use del *.* <g>. Anyway, I booted normally and got rid of it
from the CMD prompt.

Someone said that MSAS doesn't catch Trojans. I did run a variety of tools,
and may have gotten confused by which one caught the Trojan. But I thought
that there were some Trojans (albeit a limited number) which it did catch.

Thanks, again.
Hi Again ,

Nice to hear it cleared it for you.With Steve Dodson &
Bill Sanderson both saying you should call 1-866-PC
Safety then if you feel its still needed follow their
advise.Im in the UK so im not sure what the number is for
but with it being advise by Microsoft's Finest it may
help you clear up any issues that are left.

All the best

Andy Manc
That's the number for free Microsoft Product Support services (I think they
have a new name, but I don't know what it is) help with:

Virus removal or issues with a machine caused by a virus infection
Problems caused by, or getting, security-related OS or product patches.
Whoops--hit the wrong button.

The number Steve published is for the US and Canada, where it appears that
the OP is. In other parts of the world, equivalent help is available, but
the phone call itself may not be free. Call your local Microsoft subsidiary
or a number for paid Microsoft Support for your location, and ask for the
free help with the issues mentioned above.

Note that these folks can't give support for issues specifically with
Microsoft Antispyware--this is an unsupported beta product. They can give
help for issues arising out of removal of spyware though, and I tend to post
this number when symptoms are of a critical nature, or where the resolution
may be complex enough that the back and forth nature of newsgroup
interaction may not be satisfactory.
Cheers for the info Bill,

Im sure the number will be usefull to users if they can
offer help on there.

Ive only ever contacted Microsoft once in the past about
a virus issue and they said because my system was built
by myself and has OEM in the serial id have to pay for
any support which i didnt follow through with,

I managed to solve the problem i had easy enough and
havent needed to contact them since but i agree for these
type of issues contacting the experts is the best move,

It gets hard to give detailed advise on here as after a
day or two i usually forget where the letter has gone so
i appreciate your view on that,if something goes wrong
for the user its alot easier to get the support over the
phone if possible than wait for days on here for someone
to notice the question has been responded to.
