Consider a WindowsApplication in VS2005 named "MyApp". In addition to the
default "Resource" folder you create a new project folder named "NewFolder"
and add a text file in this folder named "TextFile1.txt" and a C# class named
The project hierarchy would then look like this in the Solution Explorer:
Solution 'MyApp'
The "Class1.cs" file (included in the project namespace) can be accessed by
typing 'MyApp.NewFolder.Class1', but how can the text file be accessed
without explicitly writing the entire file path?
For instanse, say you want to read the text in "TextFile1.txt" using the
File.ReadAllText() method. How can the file path passed to the ReadAllText()
method be expressed as a pointer to the text file included in the project ?
(writing File.ReadAllText("C:\\....") is not an option since this of course
will stop working once the project is moved).
default "Resource" folder you create a new project folder named "NewFolder"
and add a text file in this folder named "TextFile1.txt" and a C# class named
The project hierarchy would then look like this in the Solution Explorer:
Solution 'MyApp'
The "Class1.cs" file (included in the project namespace) can be accessed by
typing 'MyApp.NewFolder.Class1', but how can the text file be accessed
without explicitly writing the entire file path?
For instanse, say you want to read the text in "TextFile1.txt" using the
File.ReadAllText() method. How can the file path passed to the ReadAllText()
method be expressed as a pointer to the text file included in the project ?
(writing File.ReadAllText("C:\\....") is not an option since this of course
will stop working once the project is moved).