cannot access local files from W2k server - until disable network interface


Scott Pratt


I am working on a problem I was recently brought into. There are a number of
Windows XP clients (~15) that access files on a Windows 2000 server - the
2000 server has default share caching of Manual caching of documents.

If a user on a Win XP client accesses a file from the Windows 2000 server,
subsequent tries to access the file hang the application (Word, Excel,
Wordpad, etc) for several minutes. The users have copied files locally
(their desktop), which is not redirected, and have the same problem until
their network interface is disabled, or the cable is unplugged. Once the
network interface is disabled, all is super fast, as expected. If you close
the file, enable the interface, all is stopped again.

I'm sure (or hope) it is a simple issue, but can't make headway. I've
disabled csc via local group policy, to no avail.

This is happening with non service packed, sp1, sp1a WinXP clients. All
other clients, including W2k, have no problems opening the same file logged
on as the same user - it is not a user permission, right or application
issue. The server is W2k Server, sp3. All are members of the same
workgroup - no domain. Name resolution seems to be fine.

Any help would be appreciated!



We had similar problems and got my answer in this
newsgroup. Download SP4 for Windows 2000 - same package
is for workstations and server! Install this upgrade on
the server and you should clear up these problems!

Scott Pratt

Thank you Paul.

We did try sp4 on the servers, to no avail.

The problem ended up being an app that was installed from a network
resource - the company used \\\apps\appname to install, (not the
server name, which would have been \\server1\apps\appname). When the
server's IP address changed, due to moving the server to new subnet, the XP
client would stop, attempt to locate the IP address, and take
17 seconds to time out. We found this via network traces from the XP client.

Removing the incorrectly installed app, and related keys from the registry
corrected the issue.


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