Cancelling Form.Load event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Baldwin
  • Start date Start date

Mark Baldwin

I load some data from the database during the forms load event. If this load
fails, then I need to bring up the error message and abort loading the form.

How do I do this in .NET 2.0? There doesn't seem to be a way of cancelling
the forms construction from within the load event. Also if an error occurs I
don't want a blank form displayed under the error message that then vanishes
after the user clicks OK.

Any help much appreciated...
Mark said:
I load some data from the database during the forms load event. If this load
fails, then I need to bring up the error message and abort loading the form.

How do I do this in .NET 2.0? There doesn't seem to be a way of cancelling
the forms construction from within the load event. Also if an error occurs I
don't want a blank form displayed under the error message that then vanishes
after the user clicks OK.

Any help much appreciated...
Hi, Mark

Why don't you load the data before loading the form ?

Petar Atanasov
Hi Mark,

IMHO, I don't think it is a good idea to cancel a form's construction from
within the load event handler. If you do want that, you can call the form's
Close method, which will close the form, rather than cancel the form's

A better solution to your question is to load data from the database before
you create the form. If the loading fails, display an error messge and
don't create the form.

If you're using C#, you could put the code to load data from database in
the static Main method within the Program.cs file, and before the statement
"Application.Run(new Form1())". If the loading fails, don't call this

If you're using VB.NET, you have two choices. If you select Sub Main as the
startup object , you could place the code to load data in the sub Main, and
before the line of code "Application.Run(New Form())". If the loading
fails, don't call this line of code.

If you choose a form as the startup object and enable the application
framework, you could put the code to load data in the application's Startup
event handler. If the loading fails, set the Cancel property of the
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StrartupEventArgs parameter to

To handle the application's Startup event, right click the project in the
Solution Explorer and choose Properties. In the Project Designer, switch to
Application tab and click the 'View Application Events' button. In the
opened ApplicationEvents.vb file, select '(MyApplication.Events)' from the
top left combobox, and select 'Startup' from the top right combobox and a
stub of the Startup event handler will be generated.

Hope this helps.
If my suggestion is not appropriate to your practice, please feel free to
let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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