I have a form where the user fills in all the fields. Then they can save the record or close it.
When they go to save, on the onclick event, the first thing that is supposed to happen is to check
and make sure all the required fields are populated. Then, if it finds a null value, it is supposed
to cancel the event, alert the user to fill in the field, then set the focus to the corrosponding
If all the fields show to be populated, it then runs an update query to add the information to a
table. This all works fine as long as the sql string is contained in the if/else statement. But if
I place it after- it still tries to run the sql when there is a null value? It would be ok add it
to the if/else statement, but there are several events I want to use that will require the fields to
be validated, so I want to place the if/else statement in a module so I can call it whenever I need
it. (which I did and it works the same) below is a sample of the code. What I am wondering is why
isn't the cancel event working after it finds a null value?
If IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldManufac) Then
MsgBox "The Manufacturer field is required."
ElseIf IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldPartDesc) Then
MsgBox "The Description field is required."
ElseIf IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldEquip) Then
MsgBox "The Equipment field is required."
end if
docmd.runsql .........
When they go to save, on the onclick event, the first thing that is supposed to happen is to check
and make sure all the required fields are populated. Then, if it finds a null value, it is supposed
to cancel the event, alert the user to fill in the field, then set the focus to the corrosponding
If all the fields show to be populated, it then runs an update query to add the information to a
table. This all works fine as long as the sql string is contained in the if/else statement. But if
I place it after- it still tries to run the sql when there is a null value? It would be ok add it
to the if/else statement, but there are several events I want to use that will require the fields to
be validated, so I want to place the if/else statement in a module so I can call it whenever I need
it. (which I did and it works the same) below is a sample of the code. What I am wondering is why
isn't the cancel event working after it finds a null value?
If IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldManufac) Then
MsgBox "The Manufacturer field is required."
ElseIf IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldPartDesc) Then
MsgBox "The Description field is required."
ElseIf IsNull(Forms!frmRIANew!fldEquip) Then
MsgBox "The Equipment field is required."
end if
docmd.runsql .........