Cancel / Comfirm update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eoin McGlynn
  • Start date Start date

Eoin McGlynn

I am trying to use VBA to confirm or cancel a change to a combo box. I have
the code below on the "before update" property: However I am told the discard
changes command is not available. I have also tried the acUndo commnad and
the cancel=true statement.

Private Sub Membership_Grade_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

On Error GoTo MebershipTitleUpdate_Err
Dim strMsg As String
Dim UsrResponse As Integer

' Specify the message to display.
strMsg = "This will update the Membership Grade and chane the associated
subscription fee." & Chr(10)
strMsg = strMsg & "Click Yes to Save or No to Discard changes."

' Display the message box.
UsrResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Comitt Changes")

' Check the user's response.
If iResponse = vbYes Then



' Cancel the update.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDiscardChanges

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume MebershipTitleUpdate_Exit

End Sub
Eoin -

You are assigning the response from the MsgBox to the variable UsrResponse,
but you are checking the variable iResponse. Change one of those to match
the other...
It still does not work

Daryl S said:
Eoin -

You are assigning the response from the MsgBox to the variable UsrResponse,
but you are checking the variable iResponse. Change one of those to match
the other...
Eoin -

Can you be more explicit in what is 'not working'?

If you want to see the old value replaced, add this code (assuming the
control name is Membership_Grade):
Me.Membership_Grade = Me.Membership_Grade.OldValue

If you want to prevent a record from being saved without confirmation, then
the msgBox and Cancel shoud be used in the Form_BeforeUpdate event instead of
a field update event.

If you think there is something wrong with the logic, set a breakpoint and
step through it and see if the If statement are being evaluated as expected,
and check the values of the variables.